Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

SOF publications request articles related to Shakespeare Identified

Shakespeare Identified Centennial publication project
Request for papers for Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship publications

The editors of the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship print publications in conjunction with the 2020 centennial celebration of the publication of J. Thomas Looney’s Shakespeare Identified in Edward deVere, the Seventeenth Earl of Oxford, extend an invitation to researchers to submit articles on the topics of:

J. T. Looney, author of Shakespeare Identified
J. T. Looney, author of Shakespeare Identified
  • J. Thomas Looney,
  • his life,
  • his book Shakespeare Identified,
  • the publication of his book,
  • and subsequent response to that publication.

SOF editors will determine whether any specific article fits the topic criteria.

Submissions will be accepted from now until January 1, 2019. Articles on this topic that are published by SOF publications in the period between 2014-2020 will be eligible for inclusion in a Shakespeare Identified Centennial Compendium that the SOF hopes to publish during the centennial year, 2020.

Submissions may be made to:

When submitting material, please include the words “Shakespeare Identified Centennial” in the subject line of the email that carries your attachment. Also include that phrase somewhere on the title page, or first page of the submitted article.

SOF editors will select papers for consideration for publication in one of three SOF publications: the SOF Newsletter, The Oxfordian, or Brief Chronicles at their discretion during the years 2016- 2019. Editors will determine which publication will publish which article, according to the needs of the publication and its editorial board.

General criteria: Newsletter up to 3K words, BC up to 5K words, TOX up to 10K words.

UPDATE July 21, 2017: Brief Chronicles is no longer under publication.


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