Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Past Video Contest Winners

Thanks to everyone who has participated in the “Who Wrote Shakespeare?” Video Contest! See all the winning and finalist videos here.

Have an idea for a video? Consider creating an entry for the next “Who Wrote Shakespeare?” Video Contest.

2022 Video Contest: "Creating the First Folio: Foreground, Background, Underground"

2022 Foreground Winner
"Hark, the Fine First Folio Sings! (Shaxper's Lament)" by Thomas Price
2022 Background Winner
"Filthy Folio" by Frank Lawler
2022 Underground Winner
"Finding Shakespeare" by Christopher Carolan
2022 Finalists
"The Hanged Man" by Blair Murphy | Underground category
"Strange Curves in the Droeshout" by Ron Roffel | Foreground category
"Portrait of Illusions" by Phoebe Nir | Underground category
"Shakespeare's Cue" by John D. Hipsley | Background category

2021 “Who Wrote Shakespeare?” Video Contest

2021 First Place Winner
"What Does it Matter Who Wrote the Works of Shakespeare?" by Jonathan Dixon
2021 Second Place Winner
"The Tale of Wondrous William" by Thomas Price
2021 Third Place Winner
"Schrödinger's Bard in a Box" by Frank Lawler
2021 Finalists
"Look out for the Snag!" by Phoebe Nir
"Confessions of a Shakespeare Biographer" by Linda Muhlhausen
"Great Writers Write Themselves" by Mark Alexander
"The Real Shakespeare - Amelia Bessano Lanier" by Kathryn Pentecost
"Shakespeare She Wrote" by Marty Lawton
"Two Handfulls or Shake-Speare is Timeless" by Christopher Carolan
"Why There is a Shakespeare Authorship Question" by Keir Cutler

2020 “Who Wrote Shakespeare?” Video Contest

2020 First Place Winner
"The Earl of Oxford’s March… Remixed!" by Greg Buse
2020 Second Place Winner
“Interview with a Stratfordian: THE WORKS” by Jonathan David Dixon
2020 Third Place Winner
“Mulberry Tree” by Jonathan Freeman
2020 Finalists
"Mozart Shakespeare" by Bastien Conrad
"Shakespeare Knows Gardens" by Mark Alexander
"Wait What?" by Bill Glaser
"That's Not Shakespeare Wrote Shakespeare!" by Keir Cutler
"Who is Shakespeare?" by Elena Beer
"Finite Shakespeare Theorem" by Dillon Clancy

2019 “Who Wrote Shakespeare?” Video Contest

2019 First Place Winner
"With The Mind I Will Be Seen" by Rosemary O’Loughlin (Ireland)
2019 Second Place Winner
“The Brave Little Shakespeare” by Jonathan David Dixon (US)
2019 Third Place Winner
“Who Really Wrote Shakespeare?” by John Thor Ewing (UK)
2019 Finalists
"Who Wrote the Works of Shake speare?" by Robert Bows
"Shakespeare Doubters are Crazy" by Jeffrey Matucha
"A Controversy A Rose" by Joseph Baron Pravda
"Ode to Shakespeare" by Gary Allen
"Mark Twain Jar: Who Wrote Shakespeare?" by Jan Kather

2018 “Who Wrote Shakespeare?” Video Contest

2018 First Place Winner
"The Author of My Imagination" by Lowell Widmer
2018 Second Place Winner
“QUESTION Everything” by Haeri Tollefson
2018 Third Place Winner
“Oxford is Hamlet” by Mark Alexander
2018 Finalists
"The Shakespeare Authorship Puzzle" by Robin Phillips
"Detecting the Mystery" by Margaret Becker
"Waiting for the Will" by Joseph Baron-Pravda

2017 “Who Wrote Shakespeare?” Video Contest

2017 First Place Winner
The Obvious Shakespeare by Lowell Widmer
2017 Second Place Winner
"Who Wrote Shakespeare?" by Robin Phillips
2017 Third Place Winner
Shake-Speare Out of Bounds by Christopher Carolan
2017 Finalists
"Shakespeare" ("Roxie") Song Parody by Melanie Bowditch
Who Wrote Shakespeare? by Joseph Logsdon
'Tis All There Is by Diane Elliott
Stratfordians Talk About Authorship Skeptics by Allan Armstrong
Oxenford SOF Film by Mark Krasselt

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