As we announced recently at the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship conference in Madison, Dr. Michael Egan has stepped down as editor of our eminent journal, The Oxfordian, after completing the editing and publishing of volume 16. We thank Dr. Egan for his outstanding work as editor of the most recent six volumes of The Oxfordian. John Hamill, immediate past President of the SOF, praised Dr. Egan for maintaining The Oxfordian as a “respected journal” with a “solid reputation for scholarship.” William Niederkorn, formerly of the New York Times, called The Oxfordian “the best American academic journal covering the authorship question.” Dr. Egan also served commendably as editor of the Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter from 2010 to 2013. We wish him the greatest success in his future activities. Those of you who are full members of the SOF for 2014 will receive volume 16 in the mail soon, if you haven’t already. It is a special issue devoted to “The Oxfordian Mind,” which we’re sure you’ll appreciate.
In the meantime, we face the daunting task of finding a successor for Dr. Egan. We plan to continue to publish The Oxfordian on a yearly basis, along with our other journal, Brief Chronicles, which continues with its current editors, Roger Stritmatter and Michael Delahoyde. Some SOF members have expressed a willingness to serve as Oxfordian editor on a volunteer basis, just as current Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter editor Alex McNeil serves as a volunteer. Such willingness on the part of our members may go a long way in allowing us to continue to publish our two fine journals and our newsletter. But, voluntary or not, we want to find the best editorial arrangement for The Oxfordian. Perhaps one person can do it all, or perhaps it will take a small team of people.
If you are interested in donating some of your time and skill to the creation of a yearly journal — either editing, copy editing, proofreading, designing layout, peer reviewing, book reviewing — please let me know. You can reach me by email at
Tom Regnier, President
Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship