The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, edited by Heidi Jannsch, is the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship’s quarterly newsletter, with news on the latest developments in the Shakespeare authorship question, articles, book and film reviews, poems, and letters.
Past issues of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter dating back to the Newsletter’s inception in 1965 are available on this page in downloadable pdf form.
Issues from the current calendar year are password-protected and available to Members only. Members may email us here for the password. To access any Newsletter, click on the Volume and Edition No. link e.g. Vol. 61, No. 1: Winter 2025 for the latest Newsletter.
To become an SOF member and have online access to the latest newsletters, or to have the printed newsletter sent to your home every three months, visit our membership page.
Vol. 61, No. 1: Winter 2025 (available to members only)
A Legacy Decryption: Charlotte Armstrong’s Solution of the First Folio Epigram; From the President; Letters to the Editor; From the Editor; What’s the News? New Authorship Novel by Jodi Picoult, Call for Papers, Oxford’s Voices Theater Festival; Shakespeare’s Insults; Outreach Efforts at Teacher Convention Increase SOF Membership; Thomas Middleton—An Ever Reader and Writer; 2025 Research Grants Announced; In Memoriam: Peter A. Sturrock
Vol. 60, No. 4: Fall 2024 (available to members only)
Mile-High SOF Conference in Denver; From the President; What’s the News? Authorship Videos, Research Grants, Curious Realm; Report of SOF Annual General Meeting; 2024 Oxfordian of the Year Award — Bonner Miller Cutting; First Folio Prologue: How King James and the Earl of Pembroke Foiled the Puritans in 1619; Identifying John Doleta; Deceivers Ever: Political Motives of the 18th-Century Wits Who Knew; Review: Margrethe Jolly, Shakespeare’s French Connection; SOF Conference in Denver (continued); SOF 2024 Awards
Vol. 60, No. 3: Summer 2024 (available to members only)
Shakespeare Illuminated; From the President; Letter to the Editor; From the Editor; Denver Schedule Announced; What’s the News? Folger Shakespeare Library Reopening; Playbooks of Sir Francis Bacon; Shakespeare in Ohio: T.C. Mendenhall, Tallmadge, and Delia Bacon; In Memoriam: Alexander Waugh, Remembrances; In Memoriam: Ted Story; SOF Nominations Committee 2024 Report; Sudhir Cartoon; Review: Lawrence Wells, Ghostwriter; Review: Ned Devere, Metametamorphoses
Tales from the Archives: Look Not on the Painting, but the Sketch; From the President; Letters to the Editor; What’s the News?; Alexander’s Resource—a Treasure Trove for Researchers; Oxford’s Bible & Hamlet’s Biblical Allusions; Shakespeare Industrial Complex and the Miracle of the Virgin Playwright; ChatGBT and the SAQ; In Memoriam: Robin Fox; 2024 Conference Update—A Pride of Research Papers Set for Denver; Sonnet to Edward de Vere
Shake-speare versus False-Staff; From the President; Letters to the Editor; What’s the News?; From the Editor; Reinventing the Historical Earls of Oxford; A New Interpretation of “every word…”; In Memoriam: Roger Nyle Parisious; In Memoriam: Richard F. Whalen; 2024 Research Grants Awarded; Nabokov, Shakespeare & the Earl of Oxford; To “touch the pen”; Review: Stalking Shakespeare; Review: Images in an Antique Book; Cartoon: Sharpe
NOLA Hoopla!; From the President; From the Editor; Letter; What’s the News; Oxfordian of the Year; Authorship Panel at Tulane; The Keeper of the Vest; Oxfordians Pass a Good Time; True Testimony of Barnabe Rich; First Folio: Anti-Puritan Disinformation; Annual Meeting Report; The Rosalind Effect
Shakespeare Was a Woman Published; From the President; Letters; What’s the News?; Report of the Nominations Committee; In Memoriam; 2023 Conference Update; Jonson and Shakespeare; Jonson’s “To The Memory of My Beloved”; Tales From The Archives; The How and Why of the Coverup; “Back, friends” or “backe friends”; How Shakespeare Adapted the Classics; A Poem; Reviews; More Biblical Echoes; Applications for SOF Editorial Positions; The Holy Hyphen
Oxford’s Birthday; From the President; Letters; What’s the News?; Moot Court Trial in London; Who Translated “Shakepeare’s favorite novel”?; DeVere Annotated Books from Audley End; Is Shakespeare Bigger Than a Breadbox?; Was Thomas North Oxford’s Secretary?; Reviews; Tales From the Archives
Richard Roe’s Unpublished Notebooks; Elucidate The Comedy of Errors; From the President; Letters; In Memoriam: Howard Schumann; In Memoriam: James S. Hardigg; What’s the News?; A Postscript to “Does the 17th Earl of Oxford ‘lieth buried in Westminster’?”; Examining the Earl of Oxford’s “New” Signature of 1603; Book Reviews; ChatGPT: Can Artificial Intelligence Reshape the Authorship Question?; John Shakspere’s Grant of Arms: Three Curious Aspects (Part Two); Tales from the Archives
2022 Annual Conference Report; From the President; Letters; What’s the News?; Anderson by Another Name; Unpublished Authorship Letters; In Memoriam; George Peele’s Letter and Response; SOF Annual Meeting; John Shakspere’s Grant of Arms (Part One)
Is Oxford Buried at Westminster Abbey?; Letters; What’s the News?; Book Reviews; SOF Election Information; George Peele’s Personal Note; Tales from the Archives; The Worth of Wriothesley; Unfinished Oxfordian Research into Venetian Art
SOF Spring Symposium; President’s Column; Letter; What’s the News?; Book News; Report of the Nominations Committee; In Memoriam: Virginia Renner; Film: The Tragedy of Macbeth (2021); Shakespeare’s Beehive?, My Kindle Told Me It Was Edward de Vere (Part Two); Tales from the Archives: Katharine E. Eggar (1874-1961); Lord Burghley
Is This a Portrait of Oxford?; President’s Column; Letters; What’s the News?; Book News; In Memoriam: George R. Anderson; Who Wrote George Peele’s “Only Extant Letter”?; “Sweet Swan” of Stratford? Not Necessarily So!; My Kindle Told Me It Was Edward de Vere; Lifelong Learning and the SAQ
SOF Fall Conference; President’s Column; Letters; What’s the News?; In Memoriam: Frank Davis; In Memoriam: Jacquelyn L. Mason; Personal lists of recommended Books; Oxford’s Voices: (What Shakespeare Wrote Before He Was Shakespeare); Annual Meeting Report; Reviews of Shakespeare Revolutionized; The Drayton Collection
A Vere of “great Vertue” Wrote the Shakespeare Plays; From the President; From the Editor; Letters; What’s the News?; A Prologue Arm’d: The Printing of Troilus and Cressida in the First Folio; Three articles on “A pleasant Conceit”; Dickson and Waugh on the 1740 Shakespeare statue; From the Data Preservation Committee; Thomas Vicars Shows Us “Shakespeare” is a Pseudonym; The Badge of the Blue Boar and Edward de Vere
Spring Symposium Report; Tom Regnier Veritas Award; From the President; From the Editor; Letter; What’s the News?; Reviews: North By Shakespeare; Images in an Antique Book: Dante; in Shakespeare; Finding Shakespeare in Supermax; Shakespeare the Psychopath; Poems from David Neufer; Have You Written a Book?
Falstaff Unmasked; From the President; Letters; What’s the News?; In Memoriam; Research Grant Report; Oxford’s Literary Reputation; Erased From History?; The Great Seamark at Wivenhoe; Unfortunately, Myth Making Continues (and three responses); Book Reviews; Banned and Blocked
Symposium Report; From the President; From the Editor; Letters; What’s the News?; Faces of the Centennial; J. Thomas Looney’s Discovery; Looney in Australia and New Zealand; Reasonable Doubts, Reasonable Theories; The PT Theory: Let the Real Debate Begin; Behind the Scenes at the Symposium; SOF Annual Meeting Report
Happy 150th Birthday, Mr. Looney!; From the President; From the Editor; Letters; What’s the News?; Looney and Mythmaking; A Scientific Approach to the Restoration of Oxford’s Identity as William Shake-speare; Another Look at the Dedication to the Sonnets; Book Reviews; Archives Matter; From the Archives: Studying the Authorship Question During Difficult Times
Tom Regnier; From the President; Letters; From the Editor; What’s the News?; “Shakespeare” Identified Centennial Symposium; TLS Reprints 1920 Looney Review; Gervase Markham’s Honour in his Perfection; The First Seventeen Sonnets—Hidden Meaning; That “Famous Persecutor of Priscian”: Oxford, Shakespeare and the Repurification of English; Third Printing of Cecil Palmer’s 1920 edition of “Shakespeare” Identified Discovered; 2020 SOF Conference Canceled
Looney Centennial; From the President; Letter; SOF 2020 Research Grants; What’s the News?; SOF 2020 Conference; Call for Papers; Rereading Shakespeare’s King John and The Troublesome Reign; The First Seventeen Sonnets; The Persistent Mystery of Oxford’s Annuity; Book Review; PR Director’s Update; Acrostic; SOF 2019 Research Grant Report; Poem by John Probst
SOF Conference 2019; From the President; Research Grant Program; From the Editor; What’s the News?; The New Yorker Article Aftermath; Justice Stevens v. James Shapiro; Mimus: Source of Shakespeare’s Plays?; SOF Annual Meeting; Oxford’s Reputation: A Note
Authorship Question Gets Major Media Coverage; From the President; SOF PR Update; Letters; What’s the News?; In Memoriam: Ron Hess; Oxford’s Spellings of “Halfpenny”; 1606 Declaration About Prince Tudor; In Memoriam: Justice John Paul Stevens; Summer Seminar Report; Annual Conference Information; High Hopes, High Hoax; Book Reviews; Film Review
SOF Launches New Book Series; From the President; PR Update; What’s the News?; SOF Nominations Committee Report; In Memoriam: Ann Zakelj; In Memoriam: Trudy Atkins; SOF Research Grant Program; Twain’s Is Shakespeare Dead? at UC Library; SOF Conference in Hartford; Video Contest Underway; Ruth Loyd Miller on Republishing Oxfordian Texts in the 1970s; “Shakespeare” Identified Centennial Progress Update; Marketing Ourselves to the Public; Book Reviews
SOF Hires PR Director; Q & A with Steven Sabel; From the President; From the Editor; Letter; What’s the News?; In Memoriam: Al Austin; In Memoriam: Paul Streitz; SOF Summer Seminar; SOF Annual Conference; James Warren — New Collection of Looney’s Writings; Penniless, Groatsworth, and Shakespeare; Love’s Labour’s Lost: Who is Jaquenetta?; Edward de Vere, an Insinuator like Hamlet; Book Reviews
2018 SOF Conference Report, From the President, What’s the News?, In Memoriam: Daniel L. “Dan” Wright, In Memoriam: Robert Detobel, Summary of SOF Annual Meeting, Book Review, Time Isn’t Necessarily on Our Side, Hamnet: The Play’s Not the Thing, SOF Conference 2019
In the Footsteps of Vere and Roe (Part Two), From the President, What’s the News?, SOF 2018 Conference Update, A Wedding Joust in Trebizond: Commedia Erudita and Sinister Politics in 1575, Researching de Vere in Paris, Shapiro “On the Media”: Name-Calling and Bullying Students and Doubters, Book Review, Making a Planned Gift to the SOF
In the Footsteps of Vere and Roe (Part One), From the President, Letters, Research Grant Program, What’s the News?, SOF 2018 Conference Update; Call for Papers, An Oxfordian Looks into Henslowe’s Diary, New Source for Shakespeare Leads to the Same Old Problems, Preserving the Oxfordian Past to Ensure an Oxfordian Future, From The Love Boat to Lodz: Encounter with Ted Lange, Book Review, Sir Brian Vickers Looking for Publisher
Hamlet’s Sources and Influences, From the President, From the Editor, What’s the News, Shakespeare Identified Centennial Progress Update, 2017 Survey and Results, Vero Nihil Verius — Nothing Truer than What?, Exercise in Rhetoric: Let’s Learn to Write Like Shakespeare!, The Three Queens of Hamlet, 2018 Conference in Oakland, CA
SOF 2017 Conference Report, From the President, What’s the News?, Debate: Alexander Waugh v. Sir Jonathan Bate: “Who wrote Shakespeare?”, Brevity and the Soul of Witlessness, Shakspere’s Inventory, Book Review: The Bible in Shakespeare, Shakespeare Dictionaries, TV Review: Will
Billy Budd and The Monument, From the President: Mark Twain House in Hartford, From the Editor, What’s the News?, Making a Planned Gift, Abstracting Oxford: Catherine Hatinguais and SOAR, Book Reviews, SOF 2017 Conference in Chicago, Acrostic
“Shakespeare”: Lord Oxford Or Lord Derby?, From the President, From the Editor, Letters, What’s the News?, SOF 2017 Research Grant Program, Make a Viral Video, Desperately Avoiding the Story, Oxford’s Authorship in a Nutshell, Assessing Linguistic Evidence for Oxford, Vanishing Vere in Venice, The Two Cinnas, A Late Summer Daydream, “Shakespeare” Identified, 100 Years On, Looking at the Lighter Side, 2017 Conference, Waugh vs. Bate on Authorship
The Mystery of Emaricdulfe, From the President: An Oxfordian Consensus, Letters, What’s the News?, 2017 Conference Announcement, Hamlet’s Intent, Folger’s “Thought Exercise”, The Nobility of High Politics in Shakespeare, The Dedication to Shake-speares Sonnets, Book Reviews, The Burbage Elegy
2016 SOF Conference in Boston, From the President, Letters, What’s the News?, Stritmatter & Kositsky Book Receives Favorable Mainstream Notice, Book Reviews, Oxford University Press Espouses Group Theory of Authorship, Problems with Matrix Ciphers
Tour of Italy, From the President, What’s the News?, SOF Summer Seminar Report, Oxford and the Supreme Court, SOF Fall Conference Coming, Making a Planned Gift, Book Reviews, Oxford in Our Libraries, Spelling “Shake-Speare”
Non-Stratfordians Observe Anniversary, Jacobi and Rylance Go Public, From the President, What’s the News?, This Side Idolatry: Ben Jonson, “Fine Grand” and the Droeshout Engraving, Two Reviews of Shakespeare’s Tomb: Flawed British Documentary Film Confirms Tombgate, BBC Documentary Only Deepens the Mystery, Book Reviews
New Evidence of Oxford in Venice, From the President, What’s the News?, Book Reviews, Research Grant Program Details, SOF 2016 Annual Conference, Further Curiosities of Cymbeline, Peter Rush on Hidden in Plain Sight
SOF Ashland Conference Report, From the President, Letters to the Editor, What’s the News?, 2015 Research Grant Recipients Announced, Shakespeare Authorship Discourse at Southern Oregon University, Book Reviews, “Cymbeline: the Hidden History Play” by C.V. Berney (Part I)
An Hour With Wells and Edmondson, From the President, Letters to the Editor, From the Editor, What’s the News?, Book Reviews, Is De Shakespeare Nostrati Edward de Vere?, Making a Planned Gift to the SOF, Actor Michael Chiklis, Oxford’s Final Love Letters to Queen Elizabeth
A 1578 Poem about de Vere’s Trip to Italy, From the President, Letters to the Editor, What’s the News?, The Real Shakespeare Mystery by Manfred Weidhorn, Two Sonnets by Theresa Rodriguez, Oxford’s Spanish Tragedy by C. V. Berney, Q and A with James A. Warren, Film Review: Nothing Truer Than Truth, Cheryl Eagan-Donovan Response
Six Characters in Search of an Author, From the President, Letters to the Editor, What’s the News?, SOF 2015 Research Grant Program, Prechter on the Sonnets Dedication, DNA Testing of Richard III’s Remains, SOF 2015 Conference Announcement, Shahan Revisits the Stratford Festival’s “Authorship Appeal,” Worth Remembering — Esther Singleton, Shakespeare Full Circle
SOF Conference Report, From the President’s Office, Letters to the Editor, What’s the News?, Harvey as Dogberry, Authorship Appeal in Stratford Ontario, Book Reviews: Such Fruits Out of Italy; William Shakespeare & Others, Collaborative Plays; SOF Survey Report
Shakespeare’s Perspective Art, From the President’s Office, Letters to the Editor, What’s the News, An Overlooked Allusion to Hamlet, From the Editor, Book Reviews, SARC Summer Conference Report
18th Annual SAS Conference Report, SOF Research Grant Program, Letters to the Editor, What’s the News, Folger Conference Report, Cartoon: Dr. Y. Asdust, From the Editor, SOF Trustee Nomination Process, “International Shakespeare” Conference Report, Book Review: AKA Shakespeare, Q&A with Peter Sturrock, Announcing Annual SOF Conference
Contents: Oxford’s Fifty-Play Canon (Part II), SAT Conference Report, From the President’s Office, From the Editor, Letter to the Editor, Two New Sonnets, What’s the News?, Hank Whittemore at the SAT Conference, Book Review: Hamlet Made Simple, Book Review: A Poet’s Rage
Contents: Marriage of True Minds; Editorial: The Bard Particle; Letters to the Editor: Richard Whalen, Connie Beane, Sid Lubow; Oxford’s Fifty-Play Canon (Part I); 2012 Student Essay Contest Winner: Bringing Truth to Light; The Fool Hath Said in His Heart, There is no Shakespeare (Review of Shakespeare Beyond Doubt); Historic Toronto Unification Conference; Dr. Y Asdust Explains Shakespeare; Membership and Donations Appeal 2014.
Contents: Hamill and Regnier Call for Unity; Notice of Intent; Richard Joyrich: Book for Toronto Now!; Letters to the Editor: Paul Streitz, Nina Green, Richard Malim, Jack M. Shuttleworth, Sid Lubow, Carl Sterling, Richard Waugaman; Editorial: England and St. George!; A Correspondent: Why the Shakespeare Authorship Question Matters; The Stratford Festival; Spring Books: Richard Whalen, Alan William Green, Warren Hope and Kim Holston, Mike A’Dair; Joan Leon: BOT News; Membership Form
Contents: From the Editor: Time to Catch our Breath; Letters to the Editor: Greg Ellis, Carole Sue Lipman; John Hamill: Shakespeare’s Bisexuality vs. the Prince Tudor Theory; Richard M. Waugaman: A New 1569 Poem by Arthur Golding, Attributed to Edward de Vere; Michael Egan: Shakespeare’s Education by Robin Fox; John Hamill: President’s Message; Lamberto Tassinari: A Comparison of Shakespeare’s and Florio’s Wills; Stephanie Hopkins Hughes: The Big Six Candidates for Shakespeare’s Crown; Richard Joyrich: Eighth Annual Conference Report
Vol. 48, No. 3: Summer/Fall 2012
Contents: Pasadena 2012 Report; John Hamill: President’s Letter; Authorship Conference Concordia University; Letters to the Editor: Lamberto Tassinari, Helen Heightsman Gordon, Richard M. Waugaman, Paul Streitz; Peter Rush: Answering Hamill: Southampton Poem Confirms Relationship of Southampton to Oxford, Sonnets; Richard M. Waugaman: Shakespeare, Oxford and The Book of Common Prayer; Matthew Cossolotto: Top Ten Reasons why Oxford was Shakespeare; Michael Egan: The Essex Rebellion and Richard II: Why Wasn’t Shakespeare Arrested?; Shakespeare Oxford Society Membership Renewal
Contents: Editorial: New Southampton Poem Shakes Up Authorship Debate; Letters to the Editor: Hilary Roe Metternich, John Shahan; Pasadena Conference; Henry Wriothesley, Third Earl of Southampton: ‘The Earl of Southampton Prisoner, and Condemned, to Queen Elizabeth’; Hank Whittemore: Southampton Poem Proves Oxford, ‘Prince Tudor’ Hypotheses; John Hamill: ‘To Queen Elizabeth’ Just a Plea for Mercy; Richard Waugaman: ‘Psalms’ Help Confirm de Vere Was Shakespeare; Matthew Cossolotto: Top Ten Reasons To Doubt that Shakespere Wrote ‘Shakespeare’; Richard Joyrich: Concordia Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference 2012; Richard Joyrich: President’s Letter; Shakespeare Oxford Society Legacy Gift Campaign
Contents: Winter Books: An Amazing Year for Oxfordians; Letters to the Editor: Lora Cossolotto; President’s Letter; Richard Paul Roe: The Shakespeare Guide to Italy; Lamberto Tassinari: John Florio: The Man Who Was Shakespeare; Ren Draya and Richard Whalen (eds.): Othello The Moor of Venice; Richard Malim: The Earl of Oxford and the Making of ‘Shakespeare’; A.J. Pointon: The Man Who was Never Shakespeare; Katherine Chiljan: Shakespeare Suppressed; Paul Altrocchi and Hank Whittemore (eds.): The Great Shakespeare Hoax; Sabrina Feldman: The Apocryphal William Shakespeare; Carleton Sterling: Shakespeare’s Actors; H S Essay Contest; Shakespeare Puzzle; SOS/SF Conference: Call for Papers; Concordia Conference: Program; Legacy Gift Appeal
Contents: Ren Draya: Singer and Song: The Music in Twelfth Night; Letters to the Editor: Ren Draya, Stephanie Hughes, and Elizabeth Imlay; Richard Waugaman; Richard Joyrich: President’s Letter; In Memoriam: Noemi Magri, Tom Hunter; Donald P Hayes: The Silence of the Peers: Social Network Theory Proves Shakespere was not Shakespeare; Cheryl Eagan-Donovan: Anonymous: Shakespeare the Writer; John Hamill: Robert Detobel’s Shakespeare: The Concealed Poet; Richard Joyrich: Joint Annual Conference and Concordia Report 2011
Contents: Gilvary: New Bricks in the Wall of Evidence by Ron Hess; Letters to the Editor; News and Views; Board Positions Open by Susan G. Width; Have Genome Scientists Uncovered Shakespeare’s Literary DNA?; Shakespeare’s Biological Problems Heat Up by Richard Whalen; In Memoriam; Shakespeare’s Amazing Nautical Knowledge; SAC Seeks to Legitimize AQ in Colleges by 23 April 2016 by John Shahan; President’s Letter by Richard Joyrich; Conference Registration; SOS Urgent Appeal
Contents: Oxfordians Mourn Passing ofRichard Roe, by Daniel Wright,Hilary Roe Metternich; A Conversation with Richard Roe by Ramon Jiménez; Draya and Whalen Triumph with Oxfordian Othello by William Farina; NL Editor Interviewed on KSNM 570 AM Las Cruces; Theater Professionals Sign Declaration of Reasonable Doubt in Ashland by John Shahan; Letters to the Editor; How Reliable is Stylometrics? by Ramon Jiménez; President’s Letter and Ashland Conference Report by Richard Joyrich; SOS Urgent Appeal
Contents: President’s Message by John Hamill; Why Is There No History of Henry VII? by Robin Fox; Henry V by Olivier and Branagh: Enhancing Artistic Vision Through Technology by Johanna Krout Tabin; The Big Six Candidates by Stephanie Hopkins Hughes; Book Review: Theories of Authorship by Richard F. Whalen; Obituaries: Robert Brazil and Verily Anderson; Report of the 14th Annual Shakespeare Authorship Conference by Richard Joyrich; Stratford, Cooperstown and Myth by Richard F. Whalen
Contents: Shakespeare and “The King of Hungary’s ‘Peace’”: An Earlier Source for an Allusion in Measure for Measure by Connie Beane; Much Ado About Authorship in Media; Peter Moore’s Research in New Edition; Searching for Shakespeare’s Earliest Published Works by Paul H. Altrocchi, MD; Book Review: Stratfordian Professor Takes Authorship Question Seriously by Richard F. Whalen; Book Review: Shapiro and Why Authorship Doubters Don’t Believe by Thomas Hunter, Ph.D.; An Interview with Stephanie Hughes, Former Editor of The Oxfordian by Linda Theil; Who’s Th’heir? Another Reading of Hamlet’s Opening Line by Hank Whittemore; John Thomas Looney (1870-1944) by Professor The Revd. V.A. Demant; Letter to Editor
Contents: Letter from SOS President John Hamill; SF/SOS Joint Conference Sept. 16-19, 2010; Board of Trustees Approves Changes In Membership Dues Starting January 2010; Reports On Society Finances; The Oxfordian Seeks Editors; The Oxfordian Update; Derran Charlton Reported to SOS on the Death of Oxfordian Paul Blair in California; In Memoriam: Andy Hannas; Houston Authorship Conference; Reports On Conference – “Shakespeare: from Rowe to Shapiro”; The Globe/London: 28 November 2009; Poem-Ray; Rowe’s Shakespeare Biography: Some Account of the Life & c. of Mr. William Shakespear; The Two Shake-speares; Book Review: Review Of A Review: For Harvard’s Stephen Greenblatt, Shakespeare Biographies Must Be Boldly Imaginary; Letters To The Editor
Vol. 45, No. 2: September 2009
Contents: Posthumous Sonnets by Matthew Cossolotto; Remembering K.C. by Hank Whittemore; No-body and Some-body by Robert Prechter; De Vere as Henry IV by Derran Charlton; Ben Jonson by Marie Merkel; Poem by William Ray; Apocrypha by William Ray; Much Ado review by Stephanie Hughes; Book Review: Soul of the Age by Richard Whalen; Film update by Cheryl Eagan-Donovan; Altrocchi & Whittemore build the case; Shahan to Shermer
Contents: Enchanted April by Matthew Cossolotto; Publications Committee News by John Hamill; Poem by William Ray; Oxford Beyond a Reasonable Doubt by Tom Hunter; Relevance of Shakspere’s Signatures by Frank Davis; Spaniard in the Elizabethan Court by John Hamill; Alan Navarre: Oxfordian playwright; Book review: Is It True What They Say About Shakespeare? by Richard Whalen; SF/SOS Joint conference
Contents: Is a Powerful Authorship Smoking Gun Buried Within Westminster Abbey? by Dr. Paul Altroccchi; Report of the White Plains Shakespeare Authorship Conference by Richard Joyrich; President’s Page; Greetings; The Oxfordian’s New Editor is up for the Challenge; For Immediate Release; Letters to the Editor; Shakespeare as Brand Name; Noted Shakespearean Egan Takes Over The Oxfordian
Contents: Horestes and Hamlet by Earl Showerman; President’s Page by Matthew Cossolotto; Cambridge University “Implications” of Polimanteia by Derran Charlton; Schurink’s Discovery of a Century by Donald Frederick Nelson; Columbia Professor Writing a Book Length Study Of the Authorship Issue by Richard F. Whalen; Letter to the Editor; The Ending of Oxford’s Othello Michael Delahoyde, Ph.D.; Shakespeare Authorship Conference in White Plains, NY
Contents: Reverend Ward’s Diary: The Early Tradition by R. Thomas Hunter, Ph.D.; Complaints about A Lover’s Complaint by Katherine Chiljan; President’s Page; GREETINGS; Hypothetical Tudor Princes; Sue Sybersma; Hamlet in 1603: A Quick-and-Dirty Quarto; Who Was the Author of Five Plays that Shakespeare Rewrote as His Own? New Eric Sams Website; Book Review ; Shakespearian Character Pairs Anagram Puzzle; Report on Oxfordian Activity in Seattle, Washington; Shakespearian Character Pairs Anagram Puzzle Solutions
Contents: William Shakespeare and the Authorship Controversy: A Study in Literary Triumph and Historical Tragedy by Allegra Krasznekewicz; President’s Page; Greetings; Carmel Authorship Conference; Isabel Holden; SOS President Matthew Cossolotto Interviews Allegra Krasznekewicz; Nine/Eleven, Iraq, and Henry V:Shakespeare in the Classroom by Lew Tate; Concordia Connections Issue; Letters to the Editor; Declaration of Reasonable Doubt; Recollections of Peter Moore on the Occasion of His Passing
Contents: President’s Page; Greetings; An Argument for Less Literalism and More Metaphor, Symbolism, and Other Rhetorical Devices in Shakespeare’s Sonnets by Alan Tarica; Note for Sir John Sheppard by Julia Altrocchi; A New Letter by J. T. Looney Brought to Light by Christopher Paul; Brian Vickers on the Stratford Monument by Richard F. Whalen; “Roscius Revisited … ” Revisited by Nina Green; Letter to the Editor; Review: The RSC Shakespeare: William Shakespeare, Complete Works by Richard F. Whalen; 17% of Shakespeare Professors See at Least Possibly Good Reason to Question Shakspere as the Bard by Richard F. Whalen; 2007 Conference; The Ghost of Edward de Vere Speaks by Julia Altrocchi; Is there a Shakespeare Authorship Issue? by John Shahan
Contents: Concordia Summary by Richard Smiley and Richard Joyrich; GREETINGS; The Roscius Annotation Revisited by Paul H. Altrocchi, M.D. and Alan H. Nelson, Ph.D; “Leass for Making” Shakespeare Outed as a Liar? by Dr. Frank Davis; Shakespeare Authorship Coalition by John Shahan; Searching Under the Lamp-posts for Dating Shakespeare’s Sonnets by W. Ron Hess; Letters to the Editor; From the Archives: Tarlton and Shakespeare by Rear-Admiral H.H. Holland, C.B.; Obituary: Gordon Cyr
Contents: Hide Fox and All After: the Search for Shakespeare by Stephanie Hopkins Hughes; Shakespeare Authorship Trust: The John Silberrad Memorial Lectures on the Shakespeare Authorship Question by Kevin Gilvary; President’s Page; Greetings; New Option for our Newsletter and Oxfordian Journal Writers; A Comparison of the 1609 and 1640 Texts of Shakespeare’s Sonnets by James W. Brooks, Ph.D.; Shakespeare, not Arthur Brooke, Wrote Tragicall Historye of Romeus & Juliet by Paul Hemenway Altrocchi, MD; The Droeshout Collar by Derran Charlton; That Wild and Crazy Shakspere by Richard Whalen; Letters to the Editor; Book Review: Behind Shakespeare’s Mask by Derran Charlton
Vol. 42, No. 4: Fall (redux) 2006
Contents: Ann Arbor Conference by Lew Tate; Greetings; Mr. Marlowe: You’re No William Shakespeare by James Brooks; Trailing Elizabeth Trentham by Christopher Paul; Much Ado About Oxford by Richard Desper, Ph.D.; Ideational Change: Why Is It So Difficult? by Paul H. Altrocchi, MD; RSC at Ann Arbor by Lew Tate; Letters to the Editor
Contents: R.I.P.: Bulbeck bites the dust by Christopher Paul; Oxford’s Childhood Part II: The first four years with Smith by Stephanie Hopkins Hughes; President’s Letter/Editorial Greeting; Much Ado About Oxford by Richard Desper, Ph.D.; Letters to the Editor; Did Shakespeare Read from the 17th Earl of Oxford’s Personal Library? Part Two by w. Ron Hess, assisted by Alan Tarica; SOS & SF Joint Conference in Ann Arbor; Notes from the Field; Ren Draya; Review: More Shakespeare Names: Pseudonymous Shakespeare: Rioting Language ill the Sidney Circle by Derran Charlton
Contents: Did Shakespeare Read from the 17th Earl of Oxford’s Personal Library? Part One by w. Ron Hess, assisted by Alan Tarica; Oxford and the First Blackfriars, Part Two of Dr. Frank Davis’s previous article: “William Shakspere, Oxford, Elizabethan Actors, and Playhouses”; President’s Letter/Editorial Greeting; SOS & SF Joint Conference; Personal Adventures with the Authorship Question by Robin Fox; Review of the Annual Meeting of the De Vere Society by Derran Charlton; Letters to the Editor; The ‘Prince Tudor’ Hypothesis: A Brief Survey of the Pros and Cons by Richard F. Whalen; A Sharp Blade, A Tall Man and a Good Whore? by Sam Saunders; Antony and Cleopatra: the Women’s Voices by Ren Draya; Review: “Searching for Shakespeare” Exhibition by Derran Charlton; Oxfordian Archives
Contents: Oxford’s Childhood: What we know and what we don’t by Stephanie Hopkins Hughes; Concordia Conference – 2006; President’s Letter/Editorial Greeting; William Shakspere, Oxford, Elizabethan Actors and Playhouses by Dr. Frank Davis; The Pardon by King James I of Henry Wriothesley,the Earl of Southampton by Derran Charlton; Shakespeare and the First Earl Of Oxford by R. Thomas Hunter, Ph.D.; Richard Whalen and the Professor; Book Review: Another Early History Play is Added to the Shakespeare Canon by Ramon Jimenez; Shakespeare’s Monarchs and Mark Anderson by Carleton W. Sterling; Letters to the Editor: On Emaricdulfe by Robert Prechter and The Case of the Mad Mathematicians by Sam C. Saunders; Oxfordian Archives: Edward De Vere and the Commedia Dell’ Arte by Julia Cooley Altrocchi
Contents: Shakespeare Authorship Conference in Ashland, Oregon; The Earl of Oxford’s Annuity to Robert Hales: Queen’s Favored Musician First Patronized by Oxford by Katherine Chiljan; President’s Page; Who Was Emaricdulfe’s “E. C. Esquire”? by Derran Charlton; Music in Shakespeare by Ron Andrico; Obituary: Ruth Loyd Miller 1922 – 2005; Might Edward de Vere Have Suffered from Alcoholism? By Robert R. Prechter, Jr; Book Reviews: Peter Ackroyd’s Shakespeare: The Biography by Derran CharIton, The Truth Will Out, Unmasking the Real Shakespeare by Ramon Jimenez, The Case for Shakespeare: The End of the Authorship Question by Richard F. Whalen, Players: The Mysterious /dentity of William Shakespeare by Richard F. Whalen
Contents: Arthur Golding’s First Decade of Translating: A Brief Examination By Sam C. Saunders; The Dark Lady and Her Bastard: An Alternative Scenario by John Hamill; Book Review: Mark Anderson’s Shakespeare by Another Name by Stephanie Hopkins Hughes; Sixteenth-Century Letter Writing and Its Importance to Oxfordians by Ren Draya; The “Court Gossip” of Francis Osborne by Nina Green; The Grandsire Phrase in Romeo and Juliet by Derran Charlton and John Barton; A New Stratfordianism by Stuart Marlow; The Relative Size o f Shakespeare’ s Vocabulary by Wayne Shore
Contents: Before He Was Shakespeare, Part Two by Joseph Sobran; Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference at Concordia University; Hank Whittemore Interviewed by Jim Sherwood; Hamlet in Time and Place by Carleton Sterling; Edward de Vere as Translator of Ovid’s Metamorphoses by Paul H. Altrocchi, MD; President’s Letter; Textual Anomalies in Golding’s Translation of Metamorphoses by James Brooks; Oxfordian News; Coming Soon: Oxfordian Editions of Shakespeare ‘s Plays ; Book Reviews: Monstrous Errors Infect Monstrous Adversary by Richard F. Whalen, Marjorie Garber’s Shakespeare After All by Richard F. Whalen; Ashland Authorship Conference
Contents: 28th Annual SOS Conference in Atlanta Welcome and Keynote; Before He Was Shakespeare Part One by Joseph Sobran; President’s Letter; Shakespeare in Stratford and London: Five More Eyewitnesses Who Saw Nothing by Ramon Jimenez; Shakespeare’s “Last Will” Sonnets: Twelve Poems Convey the Poet’s Dying Wishes by Matthew Cossolotto; Where in the World is Will? C-SPAN Interviews Stephen Greenblatt; Obituary for Eric Sams by Frank Davis, Math Professor Leads New Seattle Chapter
Contents: Was Thomas Watson Shakespeare’s Precursor? by Eric Lewin Altschuler, M.D., Ph.D. and William Jansen; Shakespeare’s Audience: A Reassessment of the Stratfordian View by Richard F. Whalen; Paul Nitze, RIP by Gary Goldstein; Fixing An Academic Fiasco by James Brooks; Oxfordian News by Gary Goldstein; Letter to the Editor: Malvolio’s Yellow Stockings; Shakespeare Fellowship Conference Held in Baltimore October 7-10; Summer 2004 Prince Tudor Seminar by Daniel Wright; First Dutch Shakespeare Authorship Conference by Jan Scheffer and Sandra Schruijer; Two New Oxford Documents by Nina Green; Transcripts of New Oxford Documents
Contents: University of Tennessee Law School Hosts Authorship Conference b y Richard F. Whalen; An Earl in Bondage By Nina Green; Editor ‘s Column; US-Australian Academics Research Authorship by Gary Goldstein; Shakespeare and the Law by Richard F. Whalen; 2nd Annual Shakespearean Authorship Trust Conference; 28th SOS Annual Conference Program October 28- 31; International Media Cover Oxford’s Quadcentenary by Gary Goldstein; Letter to the Editor; Update on Greene’s Groats- Worth; Two New Biographies of 17th Earl of Oxford by Gary Goldstein; Authorship Workshops Planned at Kherson State University; Book Reviews: Ross W. Duffin’s Shakespeare’s Songbook by Gordon C. Cyr; An Encore for Shakespeare ‘s Rare Italian Master by Ross Duffin; Book Review: Kermode Attacks Catholic Bard Movement by Peter Dickson
Contents: The Testimony of Ben Jonson in Redating The Tempest, Othello, and Timon of Athens by Robert Detobel; President’s Letter; Fraud At Colne Priory By Nina Green; Oxfordian News By Gary Goldstein; Letters to the Editor; In Memoriam: Leonard Hansen, Avid Antiquarian and Oxfordian by Gerit Quealy; Time To Declare Victory by Gary L Livacari, D.D.S.; Post Mortem on John de Vere, 16th Earl of Oxford; New Shakespeare Biography by Harvard Scholar by Richard F. Whalen; Book Review: Malicious Adversary: Nelson vs. Oxford by Stephanie Hopkins Hughes; Oxford on Trial in Houston by Richard F. Whalen
Contents: Demonography 101: Alan Nelson’s Monstrous Adversary by Peter R. Moore; Oxford, Hamlet, and the Pirates: The Naked Truth By Christopher Paul; Edward de Vere and the Courtesan Culture of Venice by William Farina; Capturing Student Interest i n the Authorship Debate: Studying Intentional Droeshout Portrait Errors by Paul H. Altrocchi, MD; 2004 SOS Conference Scheduled for Atlanta; What’s in a Name, A Parody by James Sherwood; Q&A with Richard Whalen: Shakespeare’s Audiences; Book Review: Michael Brame and Galina Popova ‘s Shakespeare’s Fingerprints, by Richard F. Whalen; Oxfordian News
Contents: Nelson’s Flawed Life of Oxford By Joseph Sobran; 27th Annual SOS Conference in NYC Performance & Publishing Take Center Stage By Gary Goldstein and Stephanie Hughes; Letter from the President; The Ten Restless Ghosts of Mantua: Shakespeare’s Specter Lingers Over the Italian City, Part Two – Castiglione and the Gonzaga Family of Mantua By John Hamill; Michael Wood Lectures at the Smithsonian on a Catholic Shakespeare by Peter Dickson; Stanley Wells at the Smithsonian by W. Ron Hess; Professor Wells and the Silver Bullet Question by R.C.W. Malim; Autumn Meeting of the De Vere Society By Kevin Gilvary; Book Reviews by Ramon Jimenez: Hamlet: Poem Unlimited, by Harold B loom, Shakespeare: For All Time, by Stanley Wells, The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare, edited by Michael Dobson and Stanley Wells
Contents: Globe’s Authorship Conference Roundly Successful by Gerit Quealy; The Ten Restless Ghosts of Mantua: Shakespeare’s Specter Lingers over the Italian City By John Hamill; SOS Conference Update – New York City, October 23-26; Aeolian Stinking Pitch: Tempestuous Shipwreck on the Island of Vulcano, Another Oxfordian View on The Tempest’s Locale By Paul H. Altrocchi, MD; The Temple in Lord Pembroke’s Garden The Truth about the Wilton Shakespeare Shrine by Gerit Quealy; Oxfordian News; Elizabeth Exhibited: The National Maritime Museum outside London presents the largest exhibit honoring the Tudor Queen; Book Review: Harold Love’s Attributing Authorship: An Introduction by Ramon Jimenez;
Contents: Shakespeare Debate at the Smithsonian by John Hamill; Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in London by Lowell James Swank; Good Queen Bess at the Folger; A Tribute to Delia Bacon by Carole Sue Lipman; Concordia Conference by Robert Barrett Jr; Oxfordian News; Words Coined by Shakespeare Pt 2 by Michael Macrone; Thoughts on Oxfordian Strategy by John Shahan; Interview with Sarah Smith by James Sherwood; Book Review: Sarah Smith’s Chasing Shakespeares by James Sherwood; Obituaries: John Louther, G. Grant Gifford; On Shakespeare’s Profession; Letter to Editor
Contents: Shakespeare’s Globe to Host Authorship Conference by Gerit Quealy; Dating the Ashbourne Portrait by Katherine Chiljan; Prospero’s Island by John Barton; Twelfth Night in Sienna by William Farina; Words Coined by Shakespeare Pt 1 by Michael Macrone; The CCI Report on the Ashbourne Portrait by Katherine Chiljan; Oxford and the Turk by Robert Brazil; Book Reviews
Contents: 26th Annual SOS Conference Held in Nation’s Capitol Library of Congress Talk, Folger Tour Highlighted; Camden, Drayton, Greene, Hall, and Cooke: Five Eyewitnesses Who Saw Nothing b y Ramon Jimenez; Gheeraerts Exhibit Featured at the Tate by Gerit Quealy; University of Toronto Hosts “Picturing Shakespeare” Symposium by Sue Sybersma; Oxfordian News; Revisiting the Dating of Twelfth Night by Dr. Frank Davis; Books in Brief b y Robert Brazil: Infinite Variety, Exploring the Folger Shakespeare Library, Esther Ferington, Editor; The Bedside Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Shakespeare, Dick Riley & Pam McAllister; The Real Shakespeare, Marilyn Savage Gray; Letters To the Editor
Contents: Stylometrics and the Funeral Elegy Affair By Robert Brazil and Wayne Shore; This Strange Eventful History: Oxford, Shakespeare, and The Seven Ages of Man by Christopher Paul; The Shakespeare Oxford Society Convenes in the Nation’s Capitol; The View from Santa Cruz; Shakespeare News; Oxfordian News; The Sanders Portrait Revisited: Could the “newly discovered Shakespeare portait” be John Fletcher? by Sue Sybersma; WOTS-UP – Analysis for Oxfordians and Stratfordians (Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats and Strengths Underlying Planning) by John Shahan; Meet the SOS Trustees; Book Review: Paul Streitz’s Oxford, Son of Queen Elizabeth by James Sherwood; Countess Anne’s Book New light on a 1581 Translation of Sermons on Saint Paul and the Ephesians by Robert Brazil
Contents: A Portrait of Southampton?; Edward de Vere, Philip Sidney, and the Battle of Agincourt, … in brawl ridiculous” by Ramon Jimenez; Oxford Document Bought by Film Composer by Katherine Chiljan; Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens Argues for Oxford’s Authorship of Shakespeare; The Sixth Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference by Gerit Quealy; New Evidence Confirms Oxford’s Birth Date by Robert Brazil; Oxfordian News Don Foster Recants Elegy Attribution; Book Review Elementary, My Dear Holmes: Edward Holmes’ Discovering Shakespeare , A Handbook for Heretics by Ramon Jimenez; Shakespeare’s “Fluellen” Identified as a Retainer of the Earl of Oxford by Charles Wisner Barrell; Meet the SO S Trustees; Letters to the Editor
Contents: Veres and de Vere: The Privilege of the Prefix by Bob Prechter; Oxford Makes NY Times: Authorship Question is News Fit to Print, Finally by Gerit Quealy; Auction Results of Oxford Document; Oxford’s Uncle Henry: Sir Thomas More Considered in Oxfordian Light by Joseph Sobran; Oxfordian News – Amy Freed on Radio: She Cares Who Wrote Shakespeare; the 6th Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference; Book Review: Michael Keevak’s Sexual Shakespeare by John Hamill; Orson the Oxfordian: Orson Welles’s Shakespearean Pursuits by Craig McGrath; The Peacham Document Revisited by David Roper; A Duel in DC: The Smithsonian Hosts an Authorship Debate by Gerit Quealy; Review of Journals Oxford Spoof in The Shakespeare Newsletter; The Updated 1 577 Interview of Oxford’s Page, Orazio Cuoco, in De Vere Society Newsletter; Meet the SOS Trustees; President’s Letter; Film Review: Much Ado About Something Explores Marlowe’s Case for Authorship by Anne Dobbs; Obituaries; Letters to the Editor
Contents: Carmel Hosts SOS Conference; the Peacham Chronogram by David Roper; First Folio Fetches $6 Million; The Trout De Vere Album by Katherine Chiljan; Oxfordian News; New Evidence of Early Date for Henry V by Ramon Jimenez; Who is Buried in Shakespeare’s Grave by John Hamill?; Book Review; Letter to Editor
Contents: The Premise of The Reign of King Edward III by Dr. Richard Desper; Stratford Man Discredited in Top History Magazine by Richard F. Whalen; Beard of Avon puts the SAQ Center Stage; “Her Warbling Sting”: Music not Malady by Frank M. Davis, M.D.; An Obscure Legal Point in Hamlet by Richard F. Whalen; The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth: Key to Authorship Question? By Ramon Jimenez; Oxfordian News; Book Review; Introducing “phorionymous” & More on Batillus by Mark Anderson; Letters to Editor
Contents:Cross-examining Leonard Digges on his Stratford Connections by Richard F. Whalen; Oxford as Shakespeare Celebrated Coast To Coast: 5th Annual De Vere Studies Conference Convenes in Portland & Birthday Bashes in Boston and Chicago by Nathan Baca; A New Shakespeare Portrait?; Bard barred as “too boring”; Arthur Golding’s Metamorphoses New Edition Now Available, and One Reviewer Considers the De Vere/Shakespeare Connection; The Hamlet formerly known as Prince: Royal National Production Leaves Out the Politics and the Stakes by Beverly Creasey; Obituary: James Edmund Fitzgerald, 1943-2001; Prince Hamlet, the “Spear-Shaker” of Elsinore – A Consideration of Just How Often the Madcap Prince Wielded Words in the Cut-Throat World of the Court by Hank Whittemore; Oxfordian News; Midsummer Nights Dream on film: From Hollywood extravaganza to British opera by Chuck Berney; Book Review: Paul Hemenway Altrocchi’s Most Greatly Lived : A Biographical Novel of Edward de Vere, Seventeenth Earl of Oxford, Whose Pen Name Was William Shakespeare by Richard F. Whalen; “Ingenuity for Imposition” by Mark K. Anderson; From the Editor : As We Like It? Letters to the Editor
Contents: Elizabeth’s Glass by Charles Boyle; Semiotics and the Shakespeare Authorship Debate: The Author- And His Icon – Do Make A Difference In Understanding the Works by Dr. Merilee Karl; Shakespeare allusions and Oxford; wounded truth; Titian and Venus and Adonis: Hamlet and a “lost inheritance” by Richard F. Whalen; The Bad Boy is Back: Amidst all the recent Oxfordian authorship news, The New York Times trumpets Marlowe; Authorship film projects underway in US, UK ; 25th Annual Conference to be held in Carmel, California; A flood of Shakespeare biographies since the Ogburn and Honigmann works in 1984-1985 by Peter W. Dickson; A brief history of interpretation; Oxfordian News: Authorship play in California, an April Oxfordian Weekend scheduled in Chicago, Michigan Oxfordians spread the word, DVS Meeting in London; Stone Coffin Underneath by Paul Hemenway Altrocchi; The Upstart Crow ‘s Other Plumage: Classical Allusions May Indicate That Stratman Was, Indeed, a Frontman by Mark K. Anderson; From the Editor: The ABCs of the authorship debate; Letters to the Editor
Contents: New Light on the Dark Lady by Stephanie Hopkins Hughes; Stratford (Ont.) hosts 24th Annual Conference: First gathering outside the US celebrates another exciting year in the authorship debate; Shakespeare, authorship and the Earl featured on Fox TV’s Malcolm in the Middle; Oliver Stone on history and conspiracy; Panel discussion on Hamlet; Taymor’s Titus illuminates a troublesome play by Joseph Eldredge; Oxfordian News: Oxford Symposium held in Massachusetts, Authorship debate held in Washington DC, Oxford Day Banquet scheduled for April 27th; Sir Walter Scott as Paleo-Oxfordian: Some thoughts on the proposition that leading lights of the 1 9th century may have understood who Shakespeare was by Chuck Berney; Book Reviews: Diana Price’s Shakespeare’s Unorthodox Biography: New Evidence of an Authorship Problem by Richard F. Whalen; Young Adult Novels Pitch Oxford as Shakespeare by Richard F. Whalen; From the Editor: Hamlet, the Comedy; Letters to the Editor
Contents: An emerging “crypto-Catholic” theory challenges Stratfordians By Peter W. Dickson; The not … too-hidden key to Minerva Britanna – The Latin phrase “by the mind ‘I’ shall be seen” may mean just that by Roger Stritmatter; Recent articles cover sculptor Giulio Romano, the 3rd Earl of Southampton as the Queen’s son, and Will Shaksper’s children by Richard F. Whalen; US News and World Report features the Shakespeare mystery; some recent authorship encounters with William F. Buckley; News from the Folger Shakespeare Library: Ashbourne portrait now on public display; tour guides explain the library’s neutral position on the authorship question; Nero Caesar: The First Folio’s Straight-Man by Mark K. Anderson; Oxfordian News: Michael York entertains at Vermont Renaissance Festival, Royal Shakespeare Company ‘s artistic director “wonders” about Shakespeare; Book Reviews: Julia M. Walker’s Dissing Elizabeth : Negative Representations of Gloriana by Alex McNeil; From the Editor: The Folger ‘s Authorship Policy; Letters to the Editor
Contents: “Vere-y Interesting” Shakespeare’s treatment of the Earls of Oxford in the history plays by Dr. Daniel L. Wright; Paradigm earthquake strikes Amherst, Mass.: Oxfordian scholar Roger Stritmatter’s successful Ph.D. defense raises the authorship stakes; Last print issue of The Elizabethan Review published; new editor Pearson’s first De Vere Society Newsletter by Richard F. Whalen; Obituary: Sir John Gielgud 1904-2000; Whose handwriting? The annotations in Oxford’s Geneva B ible; Large turnout expected for 24th Annual Conference in Stratford; The last known letter of Edward de Vere brought to light by Susan Campbell; The “upstart Crow” supposes by Jonathan Dixon; Professor Daniel Wright’s Preface to his Examination of Roger Stritmatter; 4th Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference; The end of Stratfordianism: Prof Alan Nelson’s review of Alias Shakespeare a palpable miss by Joseph Sobran; Oxfordian News: Sir Derek Jacobi the featured guest at NY dinner celebrating Oxford, 13th Annual Oxford Day Banquet held in Cambridge; A French/English pun in Othello; Book Reviews: Garry O’ Connor’s William Shakespeare: A Popular Life by Richard F. Whalen; Virginia Woolf’s Shakespeare: Why Woolf made room for the Stratford lad in A Room of One ‘s Own by Andrew Werth; From the Editor: Paradigms Shifting and Shaking; Letters to the Editor
Contents: Shakespeare’s “Bad Law”: A journey through the history of the arguments by Mark Andre Alexander; Society opens its library, establishes an Endowment: Two long-standing goals become realities through the generosity of our supporters; Oxfordians winning the public debate; Public libraries welcome Oxfordians: Interest in the authorship debate runs high everywhere; Obituaries: Howard Bloch, Tal Wilson; “To Our English Terence …” by Richard F. Whalen; Gertrude C. Ford: a pioneer Oxfordian; President’s Letter From Society President Aaron Tatum; Why Pericles was not included in the First Folio by Charles Boyle; Oxfordian News: New Oxfordian group formed in Chicago, authorship question surfaces at Harvard, 2nd Annual Shakespeare Festival in Vermont this August; Love’s Labor’s Lost: What Happened at the Stationers’ Register From 1571-1576? by Roger Stritmatter; John Doyle and Ray Lischner’s Shakespeare for Dummies by Richard F. Whalen; Ophelia ‘s difference, or, “To catch the conscience of the counselor” by Mark K. Anderson; From the Editor; Letters to the Editor
Contents: Edward de Vere and the Shakespeare Quartos (Part II) by Robert Brazil; 23rd Annual Conference caps an eventful year: Controversial issues addressed; six new members elected to Board of Trustees; Poetry challenge in The Shakespeare Newsletter draws an Oxfordian response; Jonson, Jones masque manuscripts found in Wilton House; The Legend of the Round-Earthers; Shal(espeare, Southampton and the Sonnets: Conference presentations explore competing theories; Shakespeare and Religion: Conference panel highlights sticking points for all Shakespeare scholars; Shakespeare’s Religion by Dr. Daniel L. Wright; The Thomas Creede connection: From Oxford, to Shakespeare, to Shakespeare’s sources, he was ever-present; James Roberts and Oxford: Another key publishing relationship; 1622 Othello cracks a frozen Shakespeare market by Peter W. Dickson; Oxfordian News Authorship Roundtable hosts lectures about recent research on Oxford and about Giordano Bruno, in England, an Oxfordian theater debuts in London; Book Reviews; Was the Troilus and Cressida Preface written in 1602- 1603?; Letters to the Editor
Contents: Edward de Vere and the Shakespeare Quartos (Part I) by Robert Brazil; Abstract & Brief Chronicles: The Sonnets seen as Shakespeare’s true testimony about the end of the Tudor era by Hank Whittemore; Follow-up to Harper’s, Chronicle of Higher Education stories; Obituaries: Clifton Fadiman, J. Allan Hovey, Jr.; Shakespeare and religion: To be or not to be… a secret Catholic; Meet the new Shakespeare?; Thomas of Woodstock – a “prequel” to Richard II? by Mark K. Anderson; Adventures of a Contestant by C.V.Berney; Bacon begs the two Henries as First Folio appears by Peter W. Dickson; Bacon’s letters to Oxford and Southampton; Nudge-Nudge, Wink-Wink: “What Author Would Conceal His Name?” by J ames Fitzgerald; Another View of Sonnet 20 by Robert R. Prechter, Jr.; Oxfordian News; Book Reviews: Robert Nye’s The Late Mr. Shakespeare: A Novel by Richard F. Whalen; Remarks on Castiglione ‘s Il Cortegiano as Applicable to the Authorship Question by Richard Desper; From the Editor: Shakespeare, Southampton and The Sonnets; Letters to the Editor
Contents: Shakespeare’s King John: A story of rightful identity and eyes to see by Dr. Ren Draya; Moment of truth: Harper’s Magazine folio articles expose the hollow center of the Stratfordian paradigm by Mark K. Anderson; Shakespeare’s invention: the royal story of The Sonnets – Hank Whittemore makes his case; Harper’s story generates commentary, coverage; Chronicle of Higher Education weighs in; 3rd Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference at Concordia; Are British scholars erasing two heroic earls from Jacobean history to protect the Shakespeare industry? A case study in how history is written by Peter W. Dickson; Oxford and Palamon and Arcite: Could this 1566 play actually be an early work by Edward de Vere? by KatherineChiljan; Oxfordian News; Book Reviews: David Honneyman’s Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the Court of Navarre by Ramon L. Jimenez; Marjorie Garber’s Symptoms of Culture by Richard F. Whalen; From the Editor: The Invisible Men; Letters to the Editor
Contents: 22nd Annual Conference Report San Francisco; Teaching the next generation that Oxford was Shakespeare: How educator Robert Barrett is shaking up the status quo in the state of Washington by Roger Stritmatter; Shakespeare Everywhere; Yes, But, is Authorship Dead? The Folger reports on George Greenwood vs. Mark Twain by Richard F. Whalen; Hollywood’s the thing … Public’s Elizabethan consciousness piqued by new films by Gerit Quealy; Interview with Bob Barrett; The Jaggard-Herbert-de Vere Connections (1619-1623) by Peter W. Dickson; Oxfordian News; Did Shakespeare stop writing in 1604? Book Reviews: Harold Bloom’s Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human by Richard F. Whalen; Revisiting “Apis Lapis” by Mark K. Anderson; From the Editor; Letters to the Editor
Contents: Henry Peacham on Oxford and Shakespeare Is the scholar s 1622 decision unimpeachable testimony for Oxford as Shakespeare? by Peter W. Dickson; Charlton Ogburn, 1911-1998 by Richard F. Whalen; Followup: the First Folio and the Spanish Marriage Crisis; 22nd Annual Conference in San Francisco draws record attendance; Announcing THE OXFORDIAN; The Wardship of Henry Bullock: In 1581 the ward Edward de Vere once sought to administer a wardship by Katherine Chiljan; Losing Voice; Losing Face; Gaining Vision: Remembering an author and thinker whose salad days have only begun by Mark K. Anderson; Oxford’s Literary Reputation in the 17th and 1 8th Centuries; ” Publish We This Peace . . . ” A note on the design of the Shakespeare First Folio and the Spanish Marriage Crisis by Roger Stritmatter; “Bestow how, and when you list” Susan Vere, William Jaggard and the 1623 Shakespeare Folio by Roger Stritmatter; Oxfordian News; Sex, Lies and Psalm 51 by Mark K. Anderson; Book Reviews: Ron Allen’s Who Were Shakespeare? The ultimate who-dun-it by Charles Boyle; Jonathan Bate’s The Genius of Shakespeare by Richard F. Whalen; From the Editor: “The oldest hath borne the Most” Letters to the Editor
Contents: Shaking the Spear at Court: Oxford as “The Knight of the Tree of the Sunne” by Dr. Daniel L. Wright; Shakespeare’s Son on Death Row? Spanish ambassador s letter makes it clear that 18th Earl s life may have hung in the balance as the First Folio was rushed to completion; “By this Hat, then … ” New Evidence about the 1580s “Portrait of a Gentleman JJby Katherine Chiljan; A Catholic Shakespeare … training as a Priest? 22ndAnnual Conference, November 12th to 15th; Count Gondomar’s letter to the King of Spain, 16 May 1622; Justice Stevens casts deciding vote for Oxford in an Oxfordian victory at D.C. authorship trial by Aaron Tatum; 2nd Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference; “The Queen ‘s Worm” in Antony and Cleopatra: Does another of Shakespeare/Oxford ‘s word games clarify an enigmatic scene? b y Richard Whalen; Oxfordian News; Unexpected help from Neil Simon by Pamela Bowen; The Zen of Shake-speare by Mark K. Anderson; Book Reviews: Doris Alexander’s Creating Literature Out of Life: The Malting of Four Masterpieces by Richard F. Whalen; From the Editor: To be or not to be … evident; Letters to the Editor
Contents: A Society of Secrets: How the Elizabethan Era still confounds us today by Stephanie Hopkins Hughes; Ciphers, codes, and the authorship debate: Shortcut to the truth, or fatal attraction? Russian says Earl of Rutland was Shakespeare; Washington researcher offers new theory on Folio publication and the authorship; English Oxfordian finds Southampton, De Vere in the Sonnets; 21st Annual Conference – Followup Report; E L Oxon By James Fitzgerald; A London Visitor’s Homage to Edward de Vere by KeithD. Jewell; Oxfordian News; Sonnets are Stratfordian Achilles ‘ heel by Joseph Sobran; The Art of The Art of Shakespeare s Sonnets by Mark K. Anderson; Book Reviews: Three editions of the Sonnets: Katherine Duncan-Jones: Shakespeare’s Sonnets, G. Blakemore Evans: The Sonnets, Helen Vendler’s The Art of Shakespeare’s Sonnets – All Reviewed by Richard F. Whalen; From the Editor: The tactics of the authorship debate; Letters to the Editor
Vol. 33, No. 4: Fall 1997 – Winter 1998
Contents: Enter Ben Jonson by James Fitzgerald; 21st Annual Conference in Seattle; Obituary: Morse Johnson 1915-1997; The Cause in is My Will by Randall Sherman; Master F.W.D., R.I.P. by John Rollet; A Monumental Problem by Richard F. Whalen; Oxfordian News; Beauty and “Bottom’s Dream” by Mark K. Anderson; Book Reviews; From the Editor; Letters to the Editor
Contents: 1987 Moot Court Trial; Beauty and the Paradigm; 21st Annual Conference; Shakespeare and the Fair Youth; Bath Debate – the Case for Oxford; Oxfordian News; Shakespeare’s Legal Appeal; Book Reviews
Contents: Shakespeare’s Disgrace by Joseph Sobran; Meet the New Bard by Mark K. Anderson; Two Tales of our Times; Charles Burford Resigns as Society President, Randall Sherman Elected to Complete his Term; Reinventing the Professoriate by Roger Stritmatter; Oxford Week Spreads the Word by Katherine Chiljan and Walter Hurst; Concordia University Opens Door to Oxford; The Oxford Street Players by Dr. Anne Pluto; Oxfordian News; Shakespeare, Oxford, and Du Bartas: A Follow Up by James Fitzgerald; Book Reviews; From the Editor; Letters to the Editor
Contents: Shakespeare, Oxford, and Du Bartas by James Fitzgerald; Writing History; 21st Annual Conference Announcement; Branagh’s Sound & Fury by Charles Burford; Society Library has a Home; Funeral Elegy: Proof for Oxford? By Dick Desper; Of Standins, Pseudonyms, Mummings, and Disguisings by Stephanie Hughes; News from England; Oxfordian News; A New Portrait Comes to Light by Katherine Chiljan; Book Reviews; From the Editor; Letters to the Editor
Contents: Oxford’s Metamorphoses: How Oxford adapted Ovid’s tales may be a key to understanding his life and Works by Hank Whittemore; 20th Annual Conference Marks Turning Point: Elizabethan, authorship and Society politics converge in Minneapolis; Mark Rylance stirs up the Globe; Charles Boyle on the Mend; Reporting his Cause through Local Chapters by Randall Sherman and Katherine Chiljan; Shakespeare and the Fair Youth Panel; Shakespeare’s Bible Brings Truth to Light: Conference Seminar Reports on Work-in-Progress on Edward de Vere’s Bible by Mark K. Anderson; Oxfordian News: Shakespeare performed at Hedingham Castle; new authorship documentary planned in Austria; authorship courses in Oregon; John Louther Reports; Book Reviews: Harold M. Otness’ The Shakespeare Folio Handbook and Census by Carol Sue Lipman; From the Editor: Who Won, and Why?; Letters to the Editor
Contents: Conference Update: Oxford in Minnesota; The State of the Debate: As the Internet grows, the authorship battle must be fought and refought every day; In the New York Times, it’s “All the News that fits … “; … While in The Washington Post it’s “persistent idiocy”; This Star of England: Some Historical Notes on its publication and authors Charlton and Dorothy Ogburn by Charlton Ogburn, Jr.; The Tempest and the Bermuda Shipwreck of 1609 by Peter Moore; How Are the Mighty Fallen? by Charles Burford; The Marketing of a Paradigm Shift by Randall Sherman; Of ”’Em’s” and “Them’s” Do these two words reveal an important clue in the Elegy debate? by Stephanie Caruana; What’s in a Name? by C.V. Berney; The Phaeton Sonnet by Joseph Sobran; Oxfordian News: Authorship in the Classroom at Cleveland State; Authorship debate on Australian Radio; John Louther Reports; William Byrd: Songs, Dances, Battles, Games: Carolyn Kunin reviews the new CD performed by Society Trustee Sally Mosher; Music Named for Edward de Vere by Sally Mosher; Book Reviews: Russ McDonald’s The Bedford Companion to Shakespeare: An Introduction with Documents reviewed by Richard Whalen; The Riverside Guide to Writing features authorship question; From the Editor: 20th Annual Conference; Letters to the Editor
Contents: Oxford, the Order of The Garter, and Shame by Peter R. Moore; Authorship Fireworks at the Sixth World Shakespeare Congress: Reception, Seminars make an impact; Events at the World Shakespeare Congress: Visions, revisions and a premature death by Carol Boettger; Obituary: Samuel Schoenbaum 1927-1996; Lessons from a Seminar by Charles Boyle; Minneapolis Conference: full slate of events set; John Price sues Shakespeare Oxford Society; The Board of Trustees votes in a new era: fundraising now the key by Charles Burford; Funeral Elegy: An update – Does the Emperor Have Any Clothes Yet? by Stephanie Caruana; The debate heats up on the Web; Globe Theater’s Mark: Rylance latest to sign Authorship Petition; Oxfordian News: Nelson-Chiljan debate in San Francisco; “Shaksper” dethroned at Shakespeare Duel in Michigan; Annual Oxford Day Banquet in Boston; John Louther Reports; Shakespeare and the Politics of Protestant England by Charles Boyle; Book Reviews by Richard Whalen: Edmond Malone, Shakespearean Scholar: A Literary Biography by Peter Martin; From the Editor; Letters to the Editor
Contents: The Problem of The Funeral Elegy by Joseph Sobran; To Our Members: From New President Charles Vere; World Shakespeare Congress to be held in Los Angeles; That Way Madness Lies: Elegy Conference in LA still leaves questions by Carol Boettger; Oxford prevails in NYC Bar Association debate; 19th Annual Conference in Greensboro, NC; 20th Annual Conference in Minneapolis, Oct. 10-13; Prince Charles’ Views by Charles Vere; A Little More than Kuhn, And Less than Kind: Examining the headlines with The Structure of Scientific Revolutions in Mind By Mark Anderson; British actor Sir Derek Jacobi is latest to sign Society petition on authorship; Shakespeare on the Internet: 1995 a landmark year as discussion group grows and Home Page is opened; Oxfordian News: Ruth Loyd Miller honored in Louisiana; Horatio Society founded in San Francisco; Northeast Chapter resumes monthly meetings; John Louther Reports; Authorship Down Under: Pat Buckridge launches one man publicity campaign in Australia; Book Reviews by Richard Whalen: Shakespeare, A Life in Drama by Stanley Wells; Shakespeare, the King’s Playwright: Theater in the Stuart Court 1603-1613 by Alvin Kernan; Vice Versa: Bisexuality and the Eroticism of Everyday Life by Marjorie Garber; From the Editor; Letters to the Editor
Back Issues of The Shakespeare-Oxford Society Newsletter, 1995 and prior
It should be kept in mind that these articles are dated and recent discoveries and/or scholarship may call into question conclusions drawn therein.
1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995
1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989
1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979
1965-1966, 1967-1969
Articles, essays, commentary, book reviews, letters and news items of interest to the Shakespeare Oxfordian community are welcome. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship. As provided in the bylaws, “The conferences, publications, and other educational projects of the Fellowship will be open forums for all aspects of the Oxfordian theory of authorship.”
Submissions can be sent as a Microsoft Word format (.DOC or .DOCX) attachment to newsletter@
Deadlines for submissions:
- Winter Issue: February 1
- Spring Issue: May 1
- Summer Issue: August 1
- Fall Issue: November 1