Free registration is now available for the public online Symposium during the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship’s 2021 Annual Conference. The Symposium will consist of three sessions held October 8–9 via Zoom (free software here). (SOF members will receive more information in September about the online Annual Meeting that will begin the Conference on October 2.)
The Symposium will feature numerous leading scholars and authors. It starts Friday, October 8, with a session hosted by SOF Trustee Bob Meyers.
The first session, designed to be especially welcoming for people new to the Shakespeare authorship question, will include a talk by John Shahan, a short video by Keir Cutler, and other special features.
(Updates: Please note one schedule change. Session Three on Saturday, October 9, will begin one hour earlier than previously announced, at 4:00 pm Eastern, concluding at 7:15 pm. For full schedule details and to register, please click here. We have also published a full-color syllabus with the schedule and all speaker biographies, abstracts, and photographs.)
The Symposium continues on Saturday, October 9, with sessions hosted by 2019 Oxfordian of the Year Cheryl Eagan-Donovan and Professor Don Rubin. Speakers during the Saturday sessions will include SOF Trustee Ben August and scholars Katherine Chiljan, Professor Michael Delahoyde, Michael Dudley, Dr. Earl Showerman, Professor Roger Stritmatter, James A. Warren, Dr. Elisabeth P. Waugaman, and Professor Richard M. Waugaman. A panel moderated by Bob Meyers will discuss the Thomas North authorship theory and how it compares to the Oxfordian theory, with authors Michael Blanding, Dennis McCarthy, and Professor Bryan H. Wildenthal.
The Saturday sessions will also feature finalists in the 2021 Video Contest and will announce the contest winners and the 2021 Oxfordian of the Year.
For updates on all the details, check back here.
[published Aug. 19, 2021; originally announced July 10, 2021; updated Oct. 6, 2021]