The original Shakespeare Fellowship was founded in England in 1922 to explore the authorship question. It had an international membership, with most members in the United Kingdom and the United States. (You can access here its newsletters, 1937–58.) Although the original Fellowship was comprised of members supporting various candidates as the true “Shakespeare,” it eventually became a predominantly Oxfordian group.

The American Shakespeare Fellowship was a sister and successor organization of the original Fellowship. When the original group had to suspend most activities in England in 1939, due to the advent of World War II, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell, and Louis P. Bénézet founded the American Fellowship to carry the torch of Oxfordianism during that troubled time. The U.S. group had a more specifically Oxfordian focus than its British progenitor. Its newsletters (1939–48) contain many fascinating and important articles by Clark, Barrell, Bénézet, and other Oxfordian pioneers. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to locate any confirmed photographs of Barrell or Clark.
The American Fellowship published its “News-Letter” from 1939 to 1943. Starting in 1944, with Vol. V, No. 1, the publication’s name was changed to the “Shakespeare Fellowship Quarterly.” The Quarterly was published through 1948. Barrell was the editor of all issues of both publications, except for the year he was in the U.S. Army, starting with the August-September 1940 issue of the News-Letter (Vol. 1, No. 5). Clark was the editor during the ensuing year.
These publications provide fascinating insights into the history and growth of the Oxfordian movement in the United States, including many analyses of the developing evidence supporting the case for Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, as the true “Shakespeare.”
You may view or download each issue individually in pdf format by clicking on the volume and issue number. The contents of each issue are listed below. Numbers preceding each article indicate page numbers.
Abbreviations of other publications referenced:
AMM = American Mercury
BTC = Building the Case for Edward de Vere as Shakespeare, edited by Paul Altrocchi and Hank Whittemore
OXV = Oxfordian Vistas
REA = Reading and Collecting
SFE = Shakespeare Fellowship (English) Newsletter
SON = Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter
Vol. 1, No. 1 (1939, December)
1 Clark, Eva Turner, Introduction to the Shakespeare Fellowship, American Branch (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 89-91)
2 Bénézet, Louis P., President Louis Bénézet’s Message (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 70-71)
2-3 Barrell, Charles Wisner, To Pluck the Heart of the Mystery (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 72-73)
3 Clark, Eva Turner, Underdowne’s Translation Which Shakespeare Had Read
4 Bénézet, Louis P., Youthful Minds Are Open
5 Editor, Origins and Achievements of the Shakespeare Fellowship (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 74-76)
6 Editor, Ernest Stirling Allen: noted Oxford advocate passes away in England (1872-1939) (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 77-79)
7 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Baseless Fabric
7 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Judith the Illiterate
8 Editor, Review of “Shakespeare” Identified by J. Thomas Looney (1920)
8 Editor, Review of The Seventeenth Earl of Oxford by B. M. Ward (1928)
8 Editor, Review of The Man Who Was Shakespeare by Eva Turner Clark (1937)
Vol. 1, No. 2 (1940, February)
2-5 Editor, Scientific Proof that Lord Oxford Posed for Ancient Portraits of the Bard (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 80-86)
4-5 New York Sun, The Roentgen Shakespeare (reprinted from New York Sun, 16 Dec. 1939) (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 85-86)
5 Editor, Dean of Literary Detectives on the War (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 87-88)
6 Hansen, Harry, Shakespeare Fellowship business
7 Editor, Rapid Growth of Research Fellowship Means End of Pompous Obstructionists
8 Douglas, Montagu W., Review of Ben Jonson and the First Folio Edition of Shakespeare’s Plays by Canon Gerald H. Rendall (1939)
9-10 Clark, Eva Turner, Shakespeare Read Books Written in Greek (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 92-95)
10 Editor, Best Wishes From Abroad
11 Clark, Eva Turner, The Neapolitan Prince
12 Editor, Oxfordian News: Oxfordian Happy Thought; Earle of Oxford’s March
Vol. 1, No. 3 (1940, April-May)
1-2 Clark, Eva Turner, A Shakespeare’s Birthday: The Calendar Argues For Lord Oxford (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 96-97)
2 Editor, An Unanswered Query and Its Implications
2 Editor, De Vere’s Life In Uncut Hamlet
3 Knapp, Margaret L., Only a Smock: but it covers a famous rivalry
3 Editor, Lecture on “Pictorial Evidence at Club Founded by H. H. Furness”
4-5 Argonaut, Who Was Shakespeare? (reprint of editorial from The Argonaut of San Francisco, 26 Jan. 1940) (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 98-100)
5 Furman, Alfred A., Edward de Vere: accepting him as author of Shakespeare
6 Editor, Shakespeare Fellowship Business
6 Brooks, Philip, Crime Imitates Fiction (reprinted from New York Times Book Review, 3 March 1940)
7-8 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Mountainous Error (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 101-103)
8 Editor, Burt of Boston and the Globe
8 Editor, Commendation from Lord Tweedsmuir (the writer John Buchan, who was also the British Governor-General of Canada)
9-10 Clark, Eva Turner, The Date of Hamlet’s Composition (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 104-106)
10-11 Editor, Oxfordian News: Translation of Portrait Article to be Published in the Lowlands; Authorship Mystery Classic Available
11 Editor, Scientific American Follow-Up
12 Editor, Oxfordian News: Oxford’s Wide Knowledge of Music Reflected in “Shakespeare’s” Plays
Vol. 1, No. 4 (1940, June-July)
1-3 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Is Not Oxford Here Another Anchor?
4 Editor, Oxfordian News: Oxford-Shakespeare Birthday Party; Letter From France
5 Bénézet, Louis P., Shakespeare and Ben Jonson (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 107-108)
5 Editor, Master of Double-Talk, A (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 110)
6 Editor, Oxfordian News: Invasions; Oxford’s Life Dramatized
7-8 Clark, Eva Turner, He Must Build Churches Then (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 111-13)
8 Editor, Baltimore Discovers Oxford
9 Editor, King Lear in the News
9-10 Editor, Three Plays of Shakespeare (1909) (excerpt)
10-11 Singleton, Esther, Was Edward de Vere Shakespeare? (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 114-117)
12 Editor, The Honor of Authorship
Vol. 1, No. 5 (1940, August-September)
1-5 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Through De Vere Country
5 Clark, Eva Turner, Painting in Lucrece, The (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2, p. 121-122)
6 Editor, Oxfordian News: . . . Let No Dog Bark; Under the Stukas’ Shadow
7-11 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Had Shakespeare Read Dante?
12 Nash, Tom, Jr., First Play Presenting Oxford as “Shakespeare”
12 Editor, Eminent Elizabethan Scholar’s New Publication: Rev. Dr. Gerald H. Rendall and The “Ashbourne” Portrait of Shakespeare
Vol. 1, No. 6 (1940, October-November)
1-5, 7-8 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Arthur Golding: The Uncle of Edward de Vere (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2, p. 123-124)
6, 8 Editor, Oxfordian News: In the Army Now; Index; Five Thousand New Readers; The Tongues
6 Editor, Poet Passes: Alfred Antoine Furman (1856-1940)
9-10 Clark, Eva Turner, Topicalities in the Plays (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2, p. 125-128)
10-11 Clark, Eva Turner, Anamos, or A. W. (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2, p. 129-131)
11-12 Editor, Oxfordian News: Resolute and Determined; If We Have Leisure!; Memorial Library
Vol. 2, No. 1 (1940, December)
1-3 Looney, J. Thomas, Author of “Shakespeare” Identified Comments on Professor Campbell’s Article in Harpers
3 Editor, Sisson’s Researches
4 Editor, Canon Rendall’s Pamphlet (on the Ashbourne portrait)
5 Bénézet, Louis P., Shake-scene and Shake-Rags
6, 12 Editor, Oxfordian News: Some of Our Speakers; Annual Meeting; A New Comedy; Middle Temple Bombed; English Periodicals Keep Coming; Twelfth Night; Oxford-Shakespeare Books
7-10 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Arthur Golding: the Uncle of Edward de Vere, Part 2
10 Clark, Eva Turner, Annotations by Shakespeare?
11-12 Clark, Eva Turner, Gabriel Harvey and Axiophilus (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2, p. 132)
Vol. 2, No. 2 (1941, February)
13-17 Looney, J. Thomas, Shakespeare: A Missing Author, Part 1 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2, p. 135-144; and in BTC, Vol. 6: 112-18)
17 Editor, Shakespeare’s Will
17 Editor, Death of Professor Moore Smith (1859-1941)
18, 24 Editor, Oxfordian News: Leading Article; Twlefth Night Club’s Jubilee; Echoes; Influence of Beaumont and Fletcher; Birds of Shakespeare; Letters from England
19-20 Editor, The Annual Meeting
20 Clark, Eva Turner, The Earthquake
21 Editor, A Letter from Lavenham (from F. Lingard Ranson)
22-23 Knapp, Margaret L., Shakespeare and Mark Twain
23-24 Editor, Publishers!; Influence of Beaumont and Fletcher; Birds of Shakespeare; Letters from England; Oxford-Shakespeare Books
26-30 Looney, J. Thomas, Shakespeare: A Missing Author, Part 2 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2, p. 1)
30-31, 36 Editor, Oxfordian News: Growing Interest; Books and Flames; Shakespeare’s Birthday; Letters from England; Our New Member
31-32 Editor, Shakespearean Research
33-34 Bone, F. D., Castle Hedingham
34-36 Editor, Notes of Twelfth Night
36a-36c Editor, Editor’s Note on the “Arms of Sogliardo” in Jonson’s Humour
37-40 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Secret of Shakespeare’s Irish Sympathies (reprinted from AMM, Sept. 1940; reprinted in SON, Vol. 19/1: 2-6, Winter, 1983; and in BTC, Vol. 2: 156-164; and in BTC, Vol. 6: 224-31)
41 Clark, Eva Turner, Washington Physicist Speaks (Dr. John Howard Dellinger)
41-42, 43 Editor, Oxfordian News: Westminster Abbey; NY Public Library; Our President’s Boston Lecture; Important Books; Richard II
43 Clark, Eva Turner, De Vere Theory Growing in California
44 Editor, Bénézet Versus Campbell
45-47 Davidson, Elizabeth R., Unbelief in the Belief
47-50 Clark, Eva Turner, Christopher Marlowe: certain perplexing problems
50-52 Editor, Oxfordian News: The Shakespeare Document; Shakespeare in Texas; The Passionate Pilgrim; Old Vic; Interest at West Point; News From England
51-52 Dwyer, J.J., Shakespeare Had Read Dante: Paget Toynbee’s Reasoning Fallacious
53-55 Bénézet, Louis P., Nineteenth Century Revolt Against the Stratford Theory, Part 1 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 165-170)
55-57 Clark, Eva Turner, Dr. Sanders and the Miracle
57 Editor, Review of The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, edited by F. W. Bateson (1940)
58 Editor, Oxfordian News: Hidden Allusions; Re-Ordered; The Book Club of California
59-62 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Shakespeare’s “Fluellen” Identified as a Retainer of the Earl of Oxford (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 177-183)
62-64 Editor, Oxfordian News: Huntington Library; Words for Music; The Genevan Bible; Messaline; San Francisco Interest
65-67 Bénézet, Louis P., The Great Debate of 1892-1893: Bacon Versus Shakespeare, Part 2
67-69 Heron, Flodden W., Shakspere-Shakespeare
69-72 Editor, Oxfordian News:Micro-Films; Enemy Action; Professor Kittredge; Shakspere, Shakespeare and de Vere; Oxford’s Pseudonym;
71-72 Editor, Letters from Members: Brief Excerpts
72-75 Clark, Eva Turner, Elizabethan Stage Scenery: More Elaborate Than Ordinarily Believed
76 Editor, Oxfordian News: Surprising Error; Annals of English Drama
Vol. 3, No. 1 (1941, December)
1-5 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Shake-speare’s Own Secret Drama, Part 1 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 184-93)
5-7 Editor, Oxfordian News: De Vere at Newport; Out Third Year; Leading Article; Most Famous Pseudonym
7 Clark, Eva Turner, The World’s Great Letters (Letter from Edward Oxeford to his Father-in-in law in 1572, following the St. Bartholomew Massacre; letter presented in full)
8-12 Editor, Oxfordian News: La Vie Intellectuelle in Switzerland; Shakespeare on the NY Stage; Members’ Letters; Shakespeare and Lope de Vega; Welbeck Abbey; Historical Manuscripts; Annual Meeting
9 Heron, Flodden W., Folger Shakespeare Library Suggestion
11-12 Clark, Eva Turner, Horse and Rider
12 Barrell, Charles Wisner, The Painted Theatres
Vol. 3, No. 2 (1942, February)
13-17, 23-24 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Shake-speare’s Own Secret Drama, Part 2 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 194-09)
18-19 Editor, Oxfordian News: War and the Fellowship; Bacon Versus Oxford Still the Great Debate
18-23 Bénézet, Louis P., Annual Meeting
24 Boissevain, Charles, Letter: authorship interest in the History & Archaeology Society of Geneva
25-33 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Shake-speare’s Own Secret Drama, Part 3 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 210-27)
33-35 Editor, Oxfordian News: Macbeth; De Vere in San Francisco; April Twenty-Third; Despite the War (recent publications in England of interest to Oxfordians)
36-38 Heron, Flodden W., Bacon Was Not Shakespeare (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 229-234)
38-44 Clark, Eva Turner, Lord Oxford as Shakespeare (a paper read at the Browning Society of San Francisco, 13 Feb. 1942) (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 235-249)
44 Editor, Oxfordian News: Mr. Cushman’s Addresses; April News-Letter
45-52 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Shake-speare’s Own Secret Drama, Part 4 (repri. in BTC, Vol. 2: 250-64)
52 Editor, Review of the film Mister V by Leslie Howard (titled The Scarlet Pimpernel in England)
53 Clark, Eva Turner, The Red Rose (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 309-311)
53-56 Editor, Oxfordian News: London Letter; Mrs. Ward; News-Letter from England; English Archives;
54 New York Sun, Shakespeare’s Day (excerpts of editorial in New York Sun, April 23, 1942)
55 Editor, Review of The Letters of John Chamberlain edited by Norman McClure
56 Editor, Carolyn Wells (d. 1942)
56 Editor, Review of Shakespeare Without Tears by Margaret Webster (1942)
57-65 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Shake-speare’s Own Secret Drama, Part 5 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 265-84)
65-66, 68 Editor, Oxfordian News: A Gigantic Task; Encouragement; Chronological Item; Whitman Collection
67 Bénézet, Louis P., Shaksper, Shakespeare, and de Vere (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 308)
68 Bénézet, Louis P., Every Word Doth Almost Tell My Name (a poem composed of lines from an early poem by de Vere and lines from the poems of Shakespeare)
69-77 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Shake-speare’s Own Secret Drama, Part 6 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 285-03)
77-79 Editor, Oxfordian News: From Letters Received; Pertinent; The Folger Library; Army Captain Now; Shakespeare At Dieppe
79-80 Clark, Eva Turner, Hand C in Sir Thomas More and the Plot of The Seven Deadly Sins
Vol. 4, No. 1 (1942, December)
1-8 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Shake-speare’s Unknown Home on the River Avon Discovered (reprinted in OXV, p. 355-368; and in BTC, Vol. 2: 312-325)
8-12 Editor, Oxfordian News: Famous Reference Book; Our Fourth Year; The News-Letter; From England; Caroline Spurgeon; New Books
9 McKee, James, Open Letter to Margaret Webster, Author of Shakespeare Without Tears
Vol. 4, No. 2 (1943, February)
13-21 Barrell, Charles Wisner, He is Dead and Gone, Lady (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 326-341)
22-24 Editor, Oxfordian News: “Shakespeare” the Pseudonym of Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford (comments on books supporting this belief); William Caxton; The Dire Rival
23-24 Dwyer, J.J., A Note on Pericles
25-28 Bénézet, Louis P., A Look at the Chronicles, Part 1 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 342-350)
29-36 Barrell, Charles Wisner, King of Shreds and Patches–Dyer as “Great Revisor” of the Shakespearean Works (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 367-383)
36-39 Editor, Oxfordian News: Soldiers Read Shakespeare; Tragic Accident; Silent Testimony; Fellowship Booklets; Stratford Relics; Anniversary Month; A Henry James Satire; Shakespeare in Russia; Historic Documents Lost
40 Editor, Reference Files: libraries that subscribe to the Fellowship News-letter
41-44 Carrington, Phyllis, Was Lord Oxford Buried in Westminster Abbey? (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 384-390)
44 Editor, The Duke of Portland and His Portrait collection at Welbeck Abbey (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 391-392)
45-46 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Creative Calendar: an illuminating Shaw-Shakespeare parallel with Ben Jonson’s Testimony
46, 50-52 Editor, Oxfordian News: What Members Are Doing; England’s Annual Shakespeare Festival; A Woman of Genius; April Activities; Spreading the News
47-50 Bénézet, Louis P., A Look at the Chronicles, Part 2 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 358)
53-58 Clark, Eva Turner, A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 393-404)
58, 66-68 Editor, Oxfordian News: From Shakespeare’s Library?; Statesman Speaks Out; Radar; The Fellowship Disclaims; English News-Letter; New Shakespeare Books
59-66 Barrell, Charles Wisner, The Real Sir Edward Dyer
69-71 Frisbee, George, Shame of the Professors (reprinted from REA, July, 1937) (also reprinted in SFE, No. 5: 8-9, Sept., 1937; SON, Vol. 5/4: 2-4, Dec. 1969; and in BTC, Vol. 2: 420-24)
71-75 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Who Was John Soothern? the mysterious author of Pandora, 1584 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 405-415)
75-76 Clark, Eva Turner, Cryptic Passages by Davies of Hereford (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 416-419)
76, 80 Editor, Oxfordian News: No. 1 Little Crown Street; To Our Readers
77-80 Bénézet, Louis P., Look at the Chronicles, Part 3 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 2: 359-366)
The discontinuation of the Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter after October 1943 (Vol. 4, No. 6) was followed by the launching of the Shakespeare Fellowship Quarterly in January 1944. The Quarterly began with Volume V, No. 1, and had the same editor, Charles Wisner Barrell, and editorial committee, as the News-Letter.
Vol. V, No. 1 (1944, Jan.)
1-2 Editor, Introducing the Quarterly (a continuation of the News-Letter) (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 5-7)
2-6 Bénézet, Louis P., Frauds and Stealths of Injurious Imposters (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 8-17)
6-8 Clark, Eva Turner, Stolen and Surreptitious Copies (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 18-21)
8-9 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Documentary Notes on the Swan Theatre (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 22-25)
10-15 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Matinee at the Swan: a topical interlude in Oxford-Sh. Research
16 Editor, Editorial Policy
17-23 Editor, Discoverer of the True Shakespeare Passes: John Thomas Looney, 1870-1944 (includes letters from Looney to Eva Turner Clark (10 Aug. 1928), Carolyn Wells (6 Dec. 1932), Charles Wisner Barrell (6 June 1937 and 15 May 1942) and Will D. Howe (2 June 1938) (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 26-36)
24-27 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Newly Discovered Oxford-Shakespeare Pictorial Evidence (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 37-44)
28-29 Dwyer, J.J., Elizabethan Outlook: a restatement
29 Editor, Salute to Canon Rendall!
30-32 Clark, Eva Turner, Some Character Names in Shakespeare’s Plays, Part 1 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 45-49)
32 Editor, Oxfordian News: News-Letters Bound; In Facta Non Verba
33-40 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Lord Oxford as Supervising Patron of Shakespeare’s Theatrical Company (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 61-78)
41-43 Clark, Eva Turner, Some Character Names in Shakespeare Plays, Part 2 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 50-56)
44-46 Bénézet, Louis P., Stratford Defendant Compromised His Own Advocates, Part 1 (reprinted in SON, Vol. 5/3, Vol. 5/3: 3-16; and in BTC, Vol. 3: 79-83)
46-48 Bénézet, Louis P., The Authorship of Othello (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 110-115)
48 Editor, Oxfordian News: Progress and a Handicap
Vol. V, No. 4 (1944, Oct.)
49-66 Barrell, Charles Wisner, New Milestone in Shakespearean Research: “Gentle Master William” (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 116-154)
66-68 Clark, Eva Turner, Some Character Names in Shakespeare’s Plays, Part 3 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 90-95)
68 Editor, Oxfordian News: to new readers of the Quarterly
Vol. VI, No. 1 (1945, Jan.)
1-2 Editor, Beginning Our Sixth Year
3-10 Clark, Eva Turner, Lord Oxford’s Shakespearean Travels on the European Continent (reprinted in OXV, p. 187-205; and in BTC, Vol. 3: 155-175)
11-12 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Sole Author of Renowned Victorie: Gabriel Harvey testifies in the Oxford-Shakespeare case (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 176-179)
13-15 Bénézet, Louis P., Stratford Defendant Compromised His Own Advocates, Part 3 (reprinted in SON, Vol. 5/3: 3-16, July, 1969; and in BTC, Vol. 3 90-95)
15-16 Editor, Oxfordian News: Oxford-Shakespeare Talks; the Forehorse to a Smock; Did Hals Paint the Bard?
17-18 Editor, Incorporation of the Fellowship to Stimulate Oxford Research
18-21 Editor, President Bénézet’s Lecture Tour
21 Editor, Death of Canon Rendall (1851-1945)
21, 26, 29 Editor, Oxfordian News: Melville’s “Capt. Vere”; That Continental tour; Recognition of Merit; A London Worthy’s Letter; Keep the Light Burning; Oxford-Shakespeare Books; Foster of Iowa Speaks Out
22-26 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Earliest Authenticated “Shakespeare” Transcript Found With Oxford’s Personal Poems (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 180-190)
27-29 Bénézet, Louis P., Stratford Defendant Compromised His Own Advocates, Part 4 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 96-109)
30-32 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Rare Military Volume Sponsored by Lord Oxford Issued by “Shakespeare’s” First Publisher (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 191-196)
33-34 Editor, Great Pioneer’s Ideas on Intellectual Freedom, A (J. Thomas Looney)
34 Editor, Gelett Burgess’ Tribute to “Shakespeare” Identified
35-36 Editor, President Bénézet Lectures in Philadelphia
38 Editor, Oxford’s Birthday Signalized in Rod Hendrickson Broadcast
37-39 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Wayward Water-Bearer who Wrote “Shakespeare’s” Sonnet 109 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 197-202)
39 Wiles, A.G.D., Letter Correcting Misquotation
40-45 Bénézet, Louis P., Stratford Defendant Compromised By His Own Advocates
46-48 Editor, Oxfordian News: London News-Letter; Rendall Pamphlets Available; Whitman on the Authorship; John Payne Collier’s Ghost
Vol. VI, No. 4 (1945, Oct.)
49-50 Editor, Oxford-Shakespeare case Loses Brilliant Advocate; Bernard Mordaunt Ward (1893-1945)
51-53 Clark, Eva Turner, Lord Oxford’s Letters Echoed in Shakespeare’s Plays: an early letter examined, Part 1 (reprinted in OXV, p. 517-517; and in BTC, Vol. 3: 203-208)
53, 56-57, 64 Editor, Oxfordian News: Publicity that Counts; Our President Rings the Bell Again; National Circulation for Oxford-Shakespeare Story
54-56 Bénézet, Louis P., The Remarkable Testimony of Henry Peacham (reprinted in OXV, p. 317-323; and in BTC, Vol. 3: 214-219)
57-59 Rascoe, Burton, The Battle Still Rages Over Who Was Shakespeare (reprinted from the New York World-Telegram, July 31, 1945)
59-60 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Creature of Their Own Creating: an answer to the present day school of Shakespearean biography (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 220-224)
61-62 Ogburn, Dorothy, The Wounded Name of Truth
63-64 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Genesis of a Henry James Story (reprinted in BTC, Vol. : 225-227)
Vol. VII, No. 1 (1946, Jan.)
1-2 Rutherford, Forrest, Daniel Frohman Introduces the Great Unknown
3-7 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Exploding the Ancient Play Cobbler Fallacy (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 228-237)
7, 9 Editor, Oxfordian News: The Ghost Walks; Oxford-Shakespeare Library at Liverpool University; Perhaps You’ve Forgotten
8-9 Kent, William, An American Myth Maker
10-11 Clark, Eva Turner, Lord Oxford’s Letters Echoed in Shakespeare’s Plays, Part 2: an early letter examined (reprinted in OXV, p. 507-17; and in BTC, Vol. 3: 209-213)
12 Webster, Lewis H., Those Authorities (reprinted from the Warwick Valley Dispatch, Jan. 30, 1946) (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 238-240)
13 Olds, Nathaniel S., Revisions May Have to be Made in English Literature Textbooks (reprinted from the Villager)
14 Editor, Oxford-Shakespeare Book That Charmed Mr. Folger: Esther Singleton’s Shakespearian Fantasias
14-16 Editor, Oxfordian News: U.S.A. Papers Please Copy; Ward’s Biography of Oxford is Now Available; Signifying Nothing?; Modern Works Godfathered by the Author of Macbeth; Dr. Sigmund Freud Found Oxford Was the Bard; Agony Column
17-19 Bénézet, Louis P., Another Stratfordian Aids the Oxford Cause (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3, p. 241-246)
19 Massey, Gerald, Shakespeare (a tribute to the bard from about 1866)
20-31 Barrell, Charles Wisner, A Literary Pirate’s Attempt to Publish The Winter’s Tale in 1594 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 247-272)
31-32 Editor, Oxfordian News: Progress Reported
33-34 Editor, Radio Presentation of Oxford-Shakespeare Case Proves Notably Successful: Gelett Burgess and Charles Wisner Barrell Win Accalim and Important Practical Aid for The Fellowship
34 Editor, Truth From Texas
35-42 Barrell, Charles Wisner, The Playwright Earl Publishes “Hamlet’s Book” (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 273-288)
43-44 Bénézet, Louis P., False Shakespeare Chronology Regarding the Date of King Henry VIII (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 289-292)
44-48 Editor, Oxfordian News: Shakespeare Authorship Fraudulent; Proof of the Pudding . . . and the maker thereof; British Activities; Bound Volume VI Ready; Passing the Word About
Vol. VII, No. 4 (1946, Oct.)
49-54 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Shakespeare’s Henry V Can Be Identified As “Harry of Cornwall” in Henslowe’s Diary (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 293-302)
54 Editor, In Memoriam: Margaret L. Knapp, Ruth Mack Brunswick, Mary H. Barrell, Edward Hardy Clark, Rev. E. D. Book, Mrs. James Stewart Cushman
54, 60, 71-72 Editor, Oxfordian News: Lord Oxford Among the Lambs; Flodden in Field Again; Meet Mr. Allvine; Famous Book in Good Hands; Constructive Aid; Oxford Evidence Restated by Marjorie Bowen; Admiral Holland Accepts Presidency of British Fellowship; Our Current Needs
55-60 Clark, Eva Turner, Shakespeare’s Strange Silence When James I Succeeded Elizabeth (reprinted in OXV, p. 290-302; and in BTC, Vol. 3: 303-315) [the last article written by Ms. Clark before her death in April, 1947]
61-69 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Proof That Shakespeare’s Thought and Imagery Dominate Oxford’s Own Statement of Creative Principles (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 316-335)
70-71 Editor, Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness: a hint to the editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica
Vol. VIII, No. 1 (1947, Spring)
1-3 Editor, Mrs. Eva Turner Clark, Founder of The Shakespeare Fellowship, USA (1871-1947) (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 1: 294-297)
3 Editor, Oxfordian News: Shakespeare: Man of Mystery; Oxford Lecture in Texas; Ward Volume Essential; for Permanent Reference
4-11 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Queen Elizabeth’s Master Showman Shakes a Spear in Her Defense (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 336-357)
11-13 Editor, Oxford’s Shakespearean Hand Apparent in the 1581 Tournament Documents
13-14 Barrell, Charles Wisner, The Arundel-Arundell Mix-Up
15-16 Editor, Philadelphia’s New Shakespeare Society Points Way to Truer Understanding of the Dramatist
Vol. VIII, No. 2 (1947, Summer)
17-20 Editor, The Fellowship’s General Meeting Highly Successful
20, 31-32 Editor, Oxfordian News: Authority Admits Failure; Seeing is Disbelieving; Physician, Heal Thyself (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 381-382); What Do You Think?
21-25 Dwyer, J.J., The Poet Earl of Oxford and Grays Inn (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 358-368)
26 Editor, Review of The Lost Treasures of London by William Kent (1947)
27-31 Bénézet, Louis P., Dr. Smart’s Man of Stratford Outsmarts Credulity (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 369-378)
31-32 Editor, Sir George Greenwood (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 3: 179-181)
Vol. VIII, No. 3 (1947, Autumn)
33-34 Editor, Money is a Good Soldier
34 Editor, Revising Some Details of an Important Discovery in Oxford-Shakespeare Research: Peacham’s Minerva Britanna (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 4: 24)
34-36 Clark, Eva Turner, The Man Who Was Shakespeare (excerpt: Chapter 21) (1937) (reprinted in OXV, p. 306-310; and in BTC, Vol. 4: 25-29)
36-38 Astley-Cock, John L., Latin Anagram on the Title-Page of Peacham’s Minerva Britanna (reprinted in OXV, p. 311-314 as “Mente, Vide Bori – Tibi Nom, De Vere”; and in BTC, Vol. 4: 29-32)
38-39 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Pictorial Clues and Key Initials (reprinted in OXV, p. 315-317; and in BTC, Vol. 4: 33-34)
39-43 Feldman, A. Bronson, Shakespeare’s Jester–Oxford’s Servant (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 4: 15-23; and in BTC, Vol. 6: 156-64)
44 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Historical Background of The Merchant of Venice Clarified in a Letter to the Drama Editor of the New York Times (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 4: 35-42)
44-45 Atkinson, Brooks, Maurice Schwartz and a Good Company Offer a Reformed Shylock (reprinted, with note from editor, from New York Times, Nov. 30, 1947) (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 4: 36-37) (see also following Letter to Atkinson by Charles W. Barrell)
45-47 Barrell, Charles Wisner, To Brooks Atkinson, Drama Editor, New York Times: response to his review of Shylock and His Daughter on 30 Nov. 1947 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 4: 38-42)
47 Editor, Oxfordian News: Paris Spokesman
47-48 Barrell, Charles Wisner, New Proof that Henry VIII Was Written Before the Spring of 1606 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 4: 43-45)
Vol. VIII, No. 4 (1947-48, Winter)
49-57 Editor, Progress During the Passing Year: Priscian a Little Scratched; Convincing Brief by Charlton Ogburn; Constructive Newspaper Publicity; Oxford in Grolier Encyclopaedia; The First Anti-Stratfordian; A Valuable Digest of Evidence; Tufts College Then – and Now (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 4: 12-14); Reviving Interest in Boston; Famous Naval Historian Aids Cause; Dr. Joseph Shipley’s Good Word; Mr. James McKee on the Sonnets; The Bolton- Bénézet Debate; Our Secretary at Pennsylvania
56 Editor, Notice that “The Shakespeare Hoax” by Louis P. Bénézet was printed in The Dartmouth Quarterly, Nov. 1947 (entire article reprinted in BTC, Vol. 4: 4-11)
58-64 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Dr. John Dover Wilson’s “New” Macbeth Is a Masterpiece Without a Master
1-7 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Rarest Contemporary Description of “Shakespeare” Proves Poet to Have Been a Nobleman (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 4: 63-77)
7-8 Clark, Eva Turner, Alias (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 4: 78-79)
8 Editor, Oxford and the Professors (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 4: 61-62)
9-12 Barrell, Charles Wisner, Oxford vs. Other “Claimants” of the Edwards Shakespearean Honors, 1593 (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 4: 80-86)
12-13 Feldman, Harold, Another Disputed Authorship
14-16 Davidoff, Henry, Some Unusual Words in Shakespeare
16 Editor, Libel Suit Grows Out of Fellowship’s Annual Meeting
17-18, 24 Barrell, Charles Wisner, In deed as in name–Vere nobilis for he was W . . . (?) . . . (reprinted in BTC, Vol. 4: 87-91)
19-24 Barrell, Charles Wisner, John Lyly as Both Oxford’s and Shakespeare’s “Honest Steward”