Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

New Research Grant Program Established!

From the President’s Office:

monk manuscriptOne of our primary objectives as an Oxfordian organization is furthering research that will ultimately provide clear evidence that Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, was the author of the works published under the pseudonym “William Shakespeare.” That is our ultimate goal. Each new piece of evidence is valuable to the resolution of the authorship issue.
We are pleased, therefore, to announce a new Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship Research Grant Program and are soliciting applications for awards. Previously, funds were not available for independent researchers to do this kind of exploration. But that has changed, thanks, in part, to the costs saved in the unification of our two Oxfordian societies.
We need to promote more research on anyone who was associated or corresponded with Oxford, such as John Lyly, Antony Munday and Sturmius of Germany. Oxford also employed several stewards during his
lifetime: Their surviving documents and letters may be sitting in archives that could contain something of importance about Oxford if only someone would look for it. The same is true for the need to research private libraries in England and the archives of Italian cities such as Venice, Verona, Padua, Milan and Mantua, where Oxford lived or visited. A whole new world of new Shakespeare research is just waiting to be discovered, and you could be part of it!
Please review the details of the Research Grant Program. If you are interested, and qualify to apply, then please contact John Hamill at hamillx@pacbell.net.
As it stands now, the program will begin with $20,000 per year in award funds, half from our endowment and half from members and friends. The grants will be given to members, so please join if you have not already. We have also initiated a Lead Donors Program for those who donate $1,000 or more for this purpose. So far, we are pleased to announce that Ben August, Bonner and Jack Cutting, Richard Joyrich are Lead Donors. Please consider joining us so that we can ensure the continuity and success of the Research Grant Program.
You can help fund the Research Grant Program (or you can join or renew membership) by sending a check to Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship, P.O. Box 66083, Auburndale, MA 02466 (please indicate on your check if your contribution is earmarked for the Research Grant Program). Or you can pay by credit card here on our website. Find out how to apply for a research grant here. Even if you don’t apply for a grant, you can promote further research by becoming a member or donating. We hope that members, friends and foundations will be motivated by this new program. Your financial contribution will help make it succeed.
Hope to hear from you!
John Hamill, President, SOF

posted June 10, 2014


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