Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Enter by July 22 to Win $1,000 in the SOF 2022 Video Contest!

The Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship’s Sixth Annual Video Contest is accepting submissions through July 22, 2022!

Now is your chance to win $1,000! Learn more.

In honor of the upcoming 400th anniversary of the publication of Shakespeare’s First Folio next year, for the 2022 Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship Video Contest, we are seeking short videos on any subject from one of the three following topic areas concerning the active, influential, and sometimes obscure communities behind the publication and imagery of the most important work in the English language.

“Creating the First Folio: Foreground, Background, Underground”

The FOREGROUND: Represented by the machinery and mechanics of the 17th century book trade in service to the English realm; such as paper-makers, designers, engravers, type-setters, printers, and book-marketers.

The BACKGROUND: The promoters, grand possessors, collectors, writers of encomiums and dedications, dedicatees, secretaries and editors of the author’s work.

The UNDERGROUND: Influences obscured in the written and visual language of the First Folio, such as coded-references to events and individuals past and present, content abstracted from rare works, Roman triumphal forms, Masonic allusions, heraldic symbols, cloistered letters, the masthead designs, and the curious portrait of the author.

This year’s contest will award three $1,000 prizes for the best videos in each of the three topic categories.

The videos submitted are required to be a maximum of three minutes in length (including any titles, film clips, or credit rolls), in a format that is factually-accurate, yet entertaining, engaging, and witty.

No fee required to enter. No purchase necessary. Contest open to residents of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany, Denmark, Australia, and New Zealand. You must be at least 18 years old to enter.

See full details and rules on the SOF Video Contest page. Submit your video by July 22!


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Blue Boar Tavern: Wassail Q&A
Tuesday Dec. 17, 8pm E / 5pm P

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