Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Editor Alex McNeil releases Winter 2015 Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter

February 23, 2015

The Winter 2015 Issue of the Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter is here! Printed copies will arrive in the mail within the next week or so for 2015 SOF members who subscribed to the printed newsletter as part of their memberships. All 2015 members were sent an email on February 23 containing the password for downloading the newsletter in PDF form from our Newsletter page. If you have renewed or joined for 2015 and did not receive the password, please send an email to newsletter@shakespeareoxfordfellowship.org to get the password.

Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Winter 2015
Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Winter 2015

If you have not renewed your membership for 2015, now is a good time to do so. If you want to receive the printed Newsletter as part of your membership, you can still get the Winter issue, hot off the press. See details on our Membership page.

This 32-page issue of the newsletter is filled with interesting news and articles. This issue leads off with Ramon Jiménez’s fascinating article on Shakespeare’s early drafts of Henry V, Taming of the Shrew, and King John, and includes articles on DNA testing of Richard III’s remains, John Shahan’s “take” on the Stratford, Ontario Authorship Appeal, Robert Prechter on the Sonnets dedication, Alexander Waugh vs. Oliver Kamm, a cartoon by John Regnier, news about our conference in September at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival . . . and more.

To give you a taste of what’s in this issue, here is a link to “Shakespeare Full Circle” by Nate Briggs, in which the author discusses the sensation that he has long had “that, year by year, the ‘unedited’ Bard is becoming accessible to fewer and fewer people when these works are staged.”

We hope you enjoy the Winter Issue! Thanks for your support of the SOF and all of its activities.

— The Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship


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