Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 


A SOF book discussion

Book Discussion:  “Behind the Mask of William Shakespeare” starts April 1. SOF members are invited to join a two-part Zoom discussion of Oxfordian Frank Lawler’s

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Earl Showerman

An interview with Earl Showerman

In this Behind the Scenes interview, the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship’s recently installed president, Earl Showerman, talks about his plans for this year, as well as his own experience in all things Shakespeare-authorship.

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Taking on Oxfraud

Debunking Oxfrauds One of the most prominent sites that attack Oxfordianism is Oxfraud.com.  It makes no pretense to be objective and specializes in ad hominem

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Shakespeare's signatures

Six Shaky Signatures

Six Shaky Signatures:  What’s the Proof That Shakespeare Wrote Them? By: Dorothea Dickerman What if the famous man from Stratford-upon-Avon commonly thought to be the

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Instructions on how to post to the Shakespeare Online Authorship Resources page.

Tales from the Archives

by the SOF Data Preservation Committee Kathryn Sharpe, DPC chair, received the following question from Sylvia Holmes, secretary of the Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable (SAR) and

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