Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Winners Announced in SOF’s 2018 “Who Wrote Shakespeare?” Video Contest

The Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship announced the three cash prize winners in its second annual “Who Wrote Shakespeare?” video contest on October 14, 2018 at the SOF’s annual conference in Oakland, CA.

First prize of $1,000 was awarded to Lowell Widmer‘s video, “The Author of My Imagination.”


Second place prize of $500 went to Haeri Tollefson for “QUESTION Everything.”


Third place prize of $250 went to Mark Alexander for the video “Oxford is Hamlet.”

This year’s “Who Wrote Shakespeare?” video contest was announced on May 1 and challenged contestants to submit a 3-minute video on “Who Wrote Shakespeare?” that would cast doubt on the traditional theory that the man from Stratford wrote the works of “Shakespeare.”

From the submitted videos, the contest judges selected six videos to be in the finals. The finalists’ videos were displayed on the SOF website where members of the public could vote for their favorites during the month of September. You can see all six videos here.

Congratulations to all the finalists for their excellent efforts, which were entertaining and enlightening! All finalists receive a free one-year membership to the SOF, which includes the SOF’s quarterly newsletter, the Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter.

You can subscribe to the SOF’s free email list by signing up on our home page. See “Subscribe” in the right-hand column. You can also join the SOF by visiting our membership page.

The SOF expects to sponsor another “Who Wrote Shakespeare?” video contest next year. Consider making your own video and entering! You can also view winners and finalists from the 2017 video contest here.


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