Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Whittemore retort

Hank Whittemore has written a brilliant essay in “Reply to Critics of Those Who Study the Shakespeare Authorship . . .” on his Hank Whittemore’s Shakespeare Blog. On Friday, September 25, Whittemore said:

It’s tiresome to read the negative remarks about those of us who doubt the traditional view of Shakespeare authorship and who have concluded that Edward de Vere Earl of Oxford wrote the great works. For example, the latest one [from Alex Beam of the Boston Globe] asserts: “The search for the ‘real’ Shakespeare is a collective madness … “.

Read the entire essay at: http://hankwhittemore.wordpress.com/2009/09/25/a-reply-to-critics-of-those-who-study-the-shakespeare-authorship-and-a-challenge/


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