Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

The Many Deceptions of the First Folio


The First Folio Title page found on the Folger Library site
The First Folio Title page found on the Folger Library site
Throughout 2023, the SOF will be commemorating the 400th anniversary of the First Folio. In her article The Grand Deception of the First Folio, independent scholar Katherine Chiljan provides a meticulous deconstruction of the falsehoods that lie behind the “story” of the First Folio, concluding with a ringing call for academia to give up the hoax perpetrated for 400 years and get on with the exciting work of discovering the truth.
Read Katherine’s article to find out why the First Folio is considered ground zero of the authorship question. Read now.

(Note: Chiljian’s article was originally published in The Oxfordian, Volume 24.)


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Tuesday Dec. 17, 8pm E / 5pm P

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