Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Oxford’s Italian Odyssey: Feb. 9 at the Blue Boar Tavern

Venice map 1572
Map of Venice, 1572

Join us in the Blue Boar Tavern on Thursday Feb 9 at 8pm E / 5 pm P for Oxford’s Italian Odyssey. Share a pint with Bonner Miller Cutting, Earl Showerman, Dorothea Dickerman, Tom Woosnam, and bartender Jonathan Dixon as we discuss Edward de Vere’s travels in Italy and how his experiences there map to the Shakespeare works. We’ll consider Italian sources for the Canon, including literary, topical, geographical, and personal connections. And we’ll look at recent research from the decade since Richard Roe’s The Shakespeare Guide to Italy (2011) that updates and extends Roe’s groundbreaking discoveries.

Hang out with your fellow SOF members in the chat and bring your Italianate questions for the cast!

And don’t miss our upcoming March and April episodes:

March 9  Stratfraud-Upon-Avon: Scrutinizing Will of Stratford and the Shakespeare Industrial Complex.

April 12  Oxford’s 473rd birthday! Join us to celebrate with Shakespeare’s Circle: the University Wits and Fisher’s Folly fellows.

The Blue Boar Tavern cast gathers most months for lively, sometimes irreverent, exchanges on a wide variety of Oxfordian topics. It is open to all current SOF members. (Members, watch your email for a link). Replays of past episodes are also available. Not a 2023 member yet? Join here!

See you in the Tavern 🍺


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