The Blue Boar Tavern is an online Oxfordian pub.
Join this lively, sometimes irreverent, gathering of Oxfordians and others over a pint to talk about their favorite non-author (hint: initials are WS) and favorite actual author (EdeV).
The tavern convenes monthly and is open to all on the SOF mailing list. Come to the Blue Boar and share a pint with regulars Bonner Cutting, Dorothea Dickerman, Alex McNeil, Phoebe Nir, and bartender Jonathan Dixon! (Not on our mailing list? Sign up here!)
Missed a live Blue Boar Tavern episode or want to watch an episode again? No worries, you can catch that missed or favorite episode and others by scrolling below!
Wednesday, Feb 5, Roger Stritmatter returns to talk about handwriting analysis.
Wednesday, March 5, in honor of Women’s History Month, the BBT crew will discuss Loves Labors Lost (1598 first quarto spelling) with Elisabeth Waugaman on the French political allusions and Rima Greenhill on the Russian political allusions in the play.
Tuesday, April 1, in honor of Oxford’s birthday month this year’s BBT party will host Cheryl Eagan-Donovan to discuss Oxford’s renaissance music.
Watch your email for info and the link! (Not on the SOF email list? Sign up below.)

Join us live! Chat with your fellow authorship enthusiasts and pass notes to those at the bar. Everyone on our email list is welcome to attend.
Not on our list? Sign up now!

Time Travel to
16th Century London

Earl Showerman returns!
Hamlet: another
Scottish Play?

Shakespeare's Villains

Bob Prechter returns!
A Groatsworth of Robert Greene

Christopher Marlowe and Francis Bacon:
Who Are Those Guys?

Part 2 of Hank Whittemore:
The Essex "Rebellion" Aftermath

The Earl of Oxford’s Italian Odyssey

Ladies' Night:
Anne Vavasour & Elizabeth Trentham

Hank Whittemore:
The Essex "Rebellion"

Roger Stritmatter: Shakespeare's Notes in Oxford's Hand?

Authorship Q&A

Robert Prechter: Oxford's Voices

Two Lawyers and Two Theatre People Walk into a Bar...

A Drink with Elizabeth Winkler: Literary Taboos and Doubting Shakespeare

Gabriel Harvey, Penelope Rich, Fulke Greville, & Philip Sidney

What's in a Name?

University Wits &
Fisher's Folly Fellows