Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Taking on Oxfraud

Debunking Oxfrauds

An Oxfraud.com splash screen

One of the most prominent sites that attack Oxfordianism is Oxfraud.com.  It makes no pretense to be objective and specializes in ad hominem attacks to the point of absurdist parody.  Now comes a new site to take it on: oxfraudfraud.com

SOF encourages you to visit the site and refer it to friends, should you wish.  Just as Oxfraud.com claims no authorship, neither does oxfraudfraud.com whose creator has neither the time nor interest in attracting ad hominem bickering.


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Blue Boar Tavern: Wassail Q&A
Tuesday Dec. 17, 8pm E / 5pm P

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