Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

SOF to Sponsor Summer Seminar in Ashland this August

Following the success of the 2015 Authorship Conference, the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship will for the first time sponsor a summer seminar in authorship studies at the Hannon Library in Ashland, Oregon from August 1-5, 2016. The seminar is designed to focus on the Shakespeare plays in production at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF) this season, including Timon of Athens (8/2), The Winter’s Tale (8/3), Hamlet (8/4) and Twelfth Night (8/5). Discounted group tickets have been reserved for all of these shows for seminar participants and guests.

Rotunda of the Hannon Library of Southern Oregon University
Rotunda of the Hannon Library of Southern Oregon University

The 2016 SOF summer seminar will be taught by two of our finest Shakespeare authorship champions, Professor Michael Delahoyde of Washington State University and Professor Roger Stritmatter of Coppin State University. Dr. Delahoyde graduated from Vassar College, earned his graduate degrees at the University of Michigan, focusing on Chaucer in his Ph.D. dissertation, and has taught Shakespeare and interdisciplinary humanities courses for 23 years. He currently serves as managing editor of Brief Chronicles. This past year he and his colleague, Coleen Moriarty, made an Oxfordian discovery in the archives of northern Italy, which will be presented during the summer seminar.

Dr. Stritmatter holds a Master’s Degree in Anthropology from the New School for Social Research and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Massachusetts. His 2001 dissertation, The Marginal Annotations of Edward de Vere’s Geneva Bible, was nominated for the Bernheimer Award. Dr. Stritmatter has published in academic and popular contexts, including Notes and Queries and Review of English Studies, and is co-author of On the Date, Sources and Design of Shakespeare’s The Tempest (2013). He is the former editor of Shakespeare Matters, and currently serves as general editor of Brief Chronicles.

The seminar will include an opening reception on the evening of the 1st, followed by daily sessions at the Hannon Library of Southern Oregon University. The Margery Bailey Collection of Hannon Library contains over 7,000 Shakespeare titles, including numerous early Folio editions. Local transfers between the library and OSF theatres will be provided by the seminar organizers.

The Winter's Tale at Oregon Shakespeare Festival will be a part of the summer seminar
The Winter’s Tale at Oregon Shakespeare Festival will be a part of the summer seminar program.

Registration and discounted OSF theatre ticket packages for the 4-day program will soon be available on the SOF website. The seminar registration fee will be $250 and includes the opening reception and deli lunches during the 4-day program at Hannon Library. The 4-play ticket package for seminar participants and guests will be $250 each. Individual play tickets may also be purchased for $70 each.  A minimum of 10 participants in the SOF summer seminar will be required to secure the discounted OSF group theatre ticket order. Group order theatre tickets for all four plays are guaranteed for the first 15 seminar registrants.

For further information on the 2016 SOF summer seminar in Ashland and to secure advanced registration, contact Earl Showerman at earlees@charter.net or register online. For information on accommodations in Ashland, select the “Plan Your Trip” tab on the menu bar of the OSF website at: https://www.osfashland.org/.

[posted February 6, 2016; updated March 5, 2016]


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