Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

SOF Spring Symposium is this Saturday. Register now!

The SOF Spring Symposium happens this Saturday, April 9! There’s still time to register, if you haven’t already done so. There is no cost to attend, and both members and non-members are welcome. Register here. 

Cheryl Eagan-Donovan

Upon registration, you’ll receive the Zoom link to attend.

What gifts does the symposium hold?

In recognition of the 400th anniversary of the publication of the First Folio, two leading scholars will offer papers that shed light on its many purposes:

  • Katherine Chiljan gets to the heart of it with a paper called. “First Folio Fraud.” The paper, based on a chapter of Chiljan’s Shakespeare Suppressed, will analyze the Folio’s preface and the messages it tried to convey, which fostered the greatest hoax in literature.
  • Professor Roger Stritmatter will deliver an elegant talk on how Ben Jonson used code words to warn us about the First Folio while seeming to support it.
Professor Michael Delahoyde

Michael Delahoyde will use a reading of Merchant of Venice to show that in the midst of a hideous, smug, self-satisfied, self-contained, and hypocritical Christian world, that effortlessly stifles any outsider’s voice,  comes along  “one of the greatest pleas for human tolerance in the whole of dramatic literature.”

Cheryl Eagan-Donovan will present the fascinating results of her recent London research trip to the British Library, the Bodleian at Oxford and the archives at Dulwich College where she viewed and transcribed manuscripts pertaining to the 17th Earl of Oxford and some of the other poets in his literary circle.

There is much more! To register and see the full agenda, click here.

We hope to see you there!



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