Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

SOF Launches “Don’t Quill the Messenger” Authorship Podcast Series

The SOF starts off 2019 with a bang, with an introductory podcast on the Shakespeare Authorship Question by new PR Director Steven Sabel. This is the first episode of a series, titled, “Don’t Quill the Messenger: Revealing the Truth of Shakespeare Authorship.” You can hear Sabel’s 13-minute intro by clicking on the “Don’t Quill the Messenger” picture on this page. Sabel’s podcast sets up the audience for future podcasts by casting doubt on the Stratford man’s authorship, which he calls a “giant misidentification” and one of the biggest mistakes in the historical record. He cites the participation of Ben Jonson and David Garrick as factors in solidifying the Stratford myth. He marvels that so much has been written about the Stratford man that can’t be proven and introduces the possibility that Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, may have been the true author. Sabel offers a preview of some of the topics in Shakespeare’s works that will be explored in the series, such as law, the Greek masters, medicine, botany, falconry, horsemanship, warfare, history, mythology, all topics of which Edward de Vere, a true Renaissance man, was a master.

We hope Oxfordians will share this link, through email and social media, with others who may be interested: https://www.dragonwagonradio.com/dontquillthemessenger/. And we look forward to many more enlightening episodes of “Don’t Quill the Messenger” that will continue to bring the truth to light.


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