Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

SOF Board Announces Appointment of New Director of Public Relations & Marketing

Steven Sabel, SOF’s New PR & Marketing Director

The Board of Trustees of the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship is pleased to announce the appointment of Steven Sabel to the position of director of public relations and marketing. Sabel was selected to serve in the new post by a unanimous vote of the Board, and will begin work immediately on building the foundations of a new public relations and marketing campaign to increase the profile of the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship and its mission.

“We are very excited to have created this new position, and we look forward to Steven’s ideas and counsel as to how to proceed to increase the SOF visibility and membership,” said SOF president John Hamill.

Sabel comes to the position from a background in journalism and marketing. He served for more than a decade as a reporter and editor for both weekly and daily community newspapers, before transferring to the field of marketing for a variety of businesses and nonprofit organizations. Throughout his career, Sabel has also been a theatrical producer, director, and actor. His focus has been primarily in classical theater, with an emphasis in Shakespeare presented from an Oxfordian perspective. He serves as the producing artistic director of the Archway Theatre Company in Burbank, California.

“Steven is ideally suited to be our PR and marketing director, because he brings the skills and passion he has developed as a founder and director of an Oxfordian theatre company where Edward de Vere’s biography permeates the performance of the Shakespeare plays,” said Joan Leon, co-chair of the SOF public relations committee, and co-recipient of the 2018 Oxfordian of the Year Award.

Sabel’s first task is to set about building a database of national media contacts, with a special emphasis on those regions where members of the SOF Speakers Bureau currently reside. A key focus of the new public relations and marketing campaign will include promoting the Speakers Bureau, scheduling and promoting speaking engagements, and arming members with the tools to further spread the word and work of the SOF. New marketing collateral will include media kit contents, membership brochures, and information cards.

“Steven is a creative thinker who knows how to materialize his ideas. We have many glowing accounts of Steven’s energy, commitment, PR skills, and accomplishments. Ultimately he will be a benefit to the organization, finding interesting ways of attracting and informing the public as to why there is a Shakespeare Authorship Question,” said Mr. Hamill.

“We have hired Steven because he brings a rare combination of public relations skills together with a deep knowledge of the Shakespeare authorship, and hands-on directing experience to the job,” said Ms. Leon.

Later in the year, Sabel’s efforts will turn toward promoting the 2019 SOF Annual Conference in Hartford, Connecticut. The conference public relations campaign will include attempting to make connections with media outlets, educational centers, community organizations, and theatrical producers throughout Connecticut and the surrounding Eastern Seaboard. The conference will include several events and lectures which will be promoted as open to the public. Members of the media will be invited to attend events and interview members.

We are all looking forward to Steven preceding us in Hartford, and using his experience to awaken the interest of local Shakespeare-lovers to the authorship mystery,” Ms. Leon said.

“Steven is eager to start. And we are eager for him to start,” said Mr. Hamill.

For Additional Information Contact:
Steven Sabel (951)532-6803

You can read Steven’s “How I Became an Oxfordian” essay here.


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