The Oxfordian Search Engine

Elevate your research results by quickly searching SOAR (Shakespeare Online Authorship Resources), an independent database of most Oxfordian publications since the 1920s — a century’s worth of articles, essays, papers, book reviews, and news reports that have been published about the Oxfordian movement and the Shakespeare authorship debate, including coverage of almost all newsletter and journal articles in publications of the SOF and its predecessor organizations.
Enter your search term to be directed to almost everything Oxfordians have published in journals, newsletters, books, and online media.
If a search result is available online, you’ll get a link to the full article. If it’s not yet digitized, the library that owns and manages SOAR — the New England Shakespeare Oxford Library (NESOL) — keeps a hard copy of everything listed and can provide copies to library members and SOAR subscribers.
See our guide How to Search the SOAR Catalog for a comprehensive look at how to use this valuable tool.
The SOAR database, established and managed via NESOL by Bill Boyle since 2005, is continually updated by a dedicated team of volunteers — including Catherine Hatinguais, James A. Warren, Terry Deer, and Renee Euchner — so your search results will include the latest publications touching on the Shakespeare authorship question and a growing number of article abstracts and excerpts.
NESOL, which owns and manages SOAR, has independent nonprofit status (Alex McNeil has provided helpful volunteer assistance in that regard), and maintains a friendly cooperative relationship with the SOF. You can find more background information here.