Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Sky Gilbert’s course, Shakespeare: Pulling Back the Curtain, RETURNS!

Sky Gilbert online Authorship course
Sky Gilbert online Authorship course

An online course with Dr. Sky Gilbert July 11th to September 26, 2023

Cost: $300.00

Dr. Sky Gilbert is back for a second set of classes with exhilarating discussions and a fascinating new take on Shakespeare’s work, opening up new vistas for anyone who loves Shakespeare.

Dr. Gilbert writes: “This is a ‘radical approach’ to Shakespeare. Instead of attempting to decipher the ideological message behind Shakespeare’s work — instead of trying to conjure a specific moral or ‘overall meaning’ — we will learn to appreciate Shakespeare’s work for what it is: an innovative experiment in rhetoric that is still radical today.

Shakespeare only has one ‘message’ for us: that poetry (and indeed all art) though dangerous, is also magical and transformative. Shakespeare was not a preacher, nor was he a moralist; his work was written in opposition to the medieval morality plays that preceded him. Shakespeare believes art offers an alternative reality — not a moral model for our behavior— but instead nourishment for the soul.”

Learn more and register at https://skygilbert.com/


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Blue Boar Tavern: Wassail Q&A
Tuesday Dec. 17, 8pm E / 5pm P

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