Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Shapiro to discuss hot book March 24

London Times Literary Editor Andrew Holgate named James Shapiro’s April 2010 Simon & Schuster release Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare one of a dozen hottest books of the year in his January 10, 2010 article, “The hottest books of the year” in the Sunday Times. Holgate said:

Shapiro has already proved, with 1599, that he has a remarkable ability to make Shakespeare scholarship both original and accessible. This outstanding piece of literary elucidation examines 200 years of heated argument over who really wrote Shakespeare’s plays — a debate that has involved everyone from Sigmund Freud to Orson Welles and Henry James.

Shapiro will discuss Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare? at Shakespeare’s Globe in London at 6 p.m. on March 24. The event is announced on the Shakespeare’s Globe website, “James Shapiro, author of the bestselling and prizewinning book 1599, talks about Contested Will – his definitive investigation into who wrote Shakespeare’s plays.”

UPDATE Feb. 8, 12:46 p.m.: Andrew Holgate commented — Shapiro will also be appearing at the Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival on Thursday, March 25 at 8pm. To book tickets, go to www.oxfordliteraryfestival.com


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