Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Shakespeare Matters Newsletter

Shakespeare MattersShakespeare Matters, the quarterly newsletter of the Shakespeare Fellowship, was published from 2001 until 2013, when the Shakespeare Fellowship united with the Shakespeare Oxford Society to form the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship. All issues of Shakespeare Matters, with their many outstanding articles, are accessible to all and downloadable in pdf format from this page.

Shakespeare Matters was first edited by William Boyle, then Roger Stritmatter, Ph.D., and finally, by Alex McNeil, J.D., who went on to edit the SOF’s Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter.


Vol.12, No. 4: Fall 2013
Contents: Annual Conference Report, SF/SOS Unification Confirmed , On the de Vere Trail, News, A Coroner’s Inquest, Book Review: Shakespeare Beyond Doubt?, Book Review: On the Sources, Date and Design of the Tempest, Snatches from History, Part II

Vol. 12, No. 3: Summer 2013
Contents: Bringing Truth to Light, Shakespeare Beyond Doubt?, 2012 Essay Contest Winners, From the President, A Brief History of Anonymity, Shakespeare Uncovered by the BBC?, Oxford’s Death, Henry Chettle’s Apology, Snatches from History, Shakespeare Beyond Doubt Reviewed

Vol. 12, No. 2: Spring 2013
Contents: The Shakespearean Trajectory, Orloff, Warren, and Jimenez Honored, W.S.: The Making of a Pseudonym, Where the Evidence Leads, Five Easy Pieces, The Fully Annotated Macbeth, The Apocryphal William Shakespeare, Studying de Vere, SOS & SF: Notice of Intent for Merger, Our Man in Washington

Vol. 12, No. 1: Winter 2013
Contents: 2012 Shakespearean Authorship Trust, A Source for ‘Remembrance of Things Past’, Rudolf Steiner: Naming the Bard, Shakespeare in Prison, “Shakespeare in a Year,” I Come to Bury Shaksper, The Southampton Dedications and the Succession, Julius Caesar and the 1583 Earthquake, Elsinore Revisited


Vol. 11, No. 4: Fall 2012
Contents: 8th Annual Joint Conference in Pasadena, Interview with Hank Whittemore, Last Will. & Testament Released on Itunes, Amazon, Shakespere Beyond Doubt (No Kidding!), Remembering Barbara Crowley, Fact, Fiction, and Shakespeare Biographies, Agincourt (Tennis, Anyone?), The Literary Life of Edward de Vere, Shakespeare’s Data and Deification

Vol. 11, No. 3: Summer 2012
Contents: Do you have O-philia?; Shakespeare’s Medical Knowledge; Continental Drift and the Authorship Q; Last Will. to premiere at Austin film Festival; Shakespeare and the Occult; Baby Oxford?; SF/SOS Essay Contest 2012!

Vol. 11, No. 2: Spring 2012
Contents: The Latin Inscription on the Stratford Monument; SASC Conference Report; Trustee Appointment and Nominations; From the President; News; Two Reviews of Last Will. & Testament; Southampton Poem Discovered; Book Reviews; “Flabbergasted” with Don Rubin

Vol. 11, No. 1: Winter 2012
Contents: Anonymous Review by Bill Boyle; 7th Annual Joint Conference; Anonymous Review by Howard Schumann; SAC v. SBC; Shakespeare and His Authors review; Shakespeare Guide to Italy review; Shakespeare and Venice; Survey Says


Vol. 10, No. 4: Fall 2011
Contents: Shakespeare: Treason or Transformation?; 15th Annual SASC Conference Report; From the President; Anonymous Dramatizes the Authorship Question; News; Two Years after Contested Will

Vol. 10, No. 3: Summer 2011
Contents: Ambiguity in the First Folio; Wikipedia Wars; The Strange Case of Gaspar Ribeiro; Why the Caged Stratfordian Mutters; Mermaid Cavern or H.K.U.; Superintendent Blattshap Gets his Man

Vol. 10, No. 2: Spring 2011
Contents: But Not Shakespeare; Marlowe and Sonnet 80; Shapiro and Imagination; Amazon Review Wars; Declaration Passes 2000; Shakespeare and the KJB

Vol. 10, No. 1: Winter 2011
Contents: Ashland Conference 2010; William Ray: “Sweet Cytherea;” Ted Story: Laughing with Ben Jonson; Earl Showerman reprinted by Gale Pub­lishing; In memorium: Stone, Wexler, Brazil, Sobran


Vol. 9, No. 3: Fall 2010
Contents: Holderness on the Road to Oxford? (Don’t Hold Your Breath); The De Vere Bible and Shakespeare Sonnet 6; Baron Burghley’s Precepts; The Mouse and the Lion; Showerman Treads the Road Not Taken; Hamlet Himself; A Contest of Wills

Vol. 9, No. 2: Spring/Summer 2010

Vol. 9, No. 1: Winter 2010
Contents: 2009 Annual Conference in Houston; Remembering Charles Wisner Barrell; Brief Chronicles Signs New Editors; Beauclerk to Publish Authorship Book; Whalen on Greenblatt on Bate; Oliver Kamm on Authorship; and much, much more


Vol. 8, No. 4: Fall 2009
Contents: Oxfordian Editions Project Issues 2nd Volume; Brief Chronicles launches in Cyberspace; Waugaman on Psalmic Word Games in Shakespeare; The Italian Connection; Contesting Shapiro; Remembering KC, Andy, and Douglas; Paul Nicholson goes Rogue

Vol. 8, No. 3: Summer 2009
Contents: Shakespeare’s Songs, And his Plutarchan Names, And His Missing Shoe; Young Oxfordians; What do Oxfordians Think?; Elizabeth I and Shakespeare; The Keys to Shakespeare; The Anonymous Renaissance

Vol. 8, No. 2: Spring 2009
Contents: The Case of the Wrong Countess; The Name Within the Ring; 13th Annual SASC Awards NPR’s Renee Montagne; Hurrah for Pseudonyms; Who Are These Oxfordians and Why are they Bothering Me?; Justice Stevens: Not Stratford; “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt;” Branagh in Doubt

Vol. 8, No. 1: Winter 2009
Contents: Oxford’s Railing Muse; Benedick and Beatrice’s Excel­lent Adventure; Oxford on Cable TV?; Folger Library tries to Rescue the Strachey Theory; Oxford and Spenser’s EK


Vol. 7, No. 4: Fall 2008
Contents: Coriolanus and Edward de Vere: Another Good Reason to be an Oxfordian by William Farina; Seuenteen Fat Oxen: Sidney’s Arcadia and the Authorship Question by Thomas Hurst; Edward de Vere’s Hand in Titus Andronicus: The Play as Primer by Ren Draya; and Much, Much More

Vol. 7, No. 3: Spring 2008
Contents: Study Center; Malvolio’s Vow; The Shakespeare Riots; Dueling Stylometricians; Whalen on Subtle Macbeth (and more subtle Ross); Anderson in Psychoanalytic Quarterly; Anonymity Matters

Vol. 7, No. 2: Winter 2008
Contents: Beaucleark: In Memoriam, Isabel Holden; Krasznekewicz: California State History Day Winning Paper on de Vere; Roe: Italian Directions for English Merchants; Waugaman: “Snail” Poem Attributed to Edward de Vere; and Much, Much More

Vol. 7, No. 1: Fall 2007
Contents: Is There a Shakespeare Authorship Question?; M.O.A.I. Unriddled; 3rd Joint SOS-SF Conference Celebrated in Carmel; New de Vere Wanderlust Poem


Vol. 6, No. 4: Summer 2007
Contents: Who Held the Pen?; The Mysterious Charlton Og­burn; Fencing With Stanley Wells; Oxford in Taiwan; Four Hundred Years of Stone­walling

Vol. 6, No. 3: Spring 2007
Contents: Hamlet’s First Soliloquy; Richard II, Part 1 and the Crisis of Shakespearean Scholarship; Robert de Vere, Airbrushed from an Anonymous History Play (by Shakespeare); Authorship Debate in The Washington Post

Vol. 6, No. 2: Winter 2007
Contents: Joint Conference in Ann Arbor; The Bard “Tilting Under Frieries;” The Boar Among the Flowers; Thomas Heywood and the Authorship Question; Mark Anderson’s Footnotes; Oxford and Shakespeare’s Thirty Yards of Red Cloth; and so much more

Vol. 6, No. 1: Fall 2006
Contents: Shakespeare Meets Robert Frost; In Memoriam: Ruth Loyd Miller, and Minos Miller; Teaching Shakespeare’s Law; The Courtly Poet in the Sonnets; A First Blast of the Trumpet; Against the Monstrous Adversary; and Much, Much, more…


Vol. 5, No. 4: Summer 2006
Contents: Oxford Stars in Henry V; Brunel University Offers MA in Authorship Studies; The Case of the Missing First Folio; Rules for Sonnet Cipher Hunters; Music and Monkeys in De Vere’s Italy; The Famous Poet Who ‘Shakes His Speare;’ and much, much more….

Vol. 5, No. 3: Spring 2006
Contents: Oxford Revealed as Spenser’s Aetion; Concordia University Plans $12 Million Authorship Studies Center; Fear and Loathing at the 34th SAA Meeting; Professor Ren Draya on “Oxford’s Outsiders;”Oxford in the “Still-Vexed” Bermoothes; Documentary Film on Oxford Planned by Boston Film Company

Vol. 5, No. 2: Winter 2006
Contents: Anderson interviews Oxfordian actor Newcomb; Your Editor Pursues A Red Herring; Ten Experts Help Richard Kennedy Expose the “Woolpack Man;” Peter Zacharias Analyzes the “Divided Mind” of 17th E.O.; a Long-Dead Author and Authorship Skeptic Puts in a Special Guest Appearance; and Much, Much More….

Vol. 5, No. 1: Fall 2005
Contents: Oxford’s Torment; The Crown Signature Revealed; Falstaff in the Low Countries; Authorship Beyond; Shakespeare


Vol. 4, No. 4: Summer 2005
Contents: Sonnets Dedication Puzzle (Pt. II); A Royal Shame; Hidden Allusions in Oxford’s Spanish Tragedy, 1601 (Pt. V) “Your trespass now becomes a fee;” Book Notes, Research Notes

Vol. 4, No. 3: Spring 2005
Contents: Sonnets Dedication Puzzle; Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference; Robert, Earl of Essex: “Who’s Your Daddy?;” 1601 (Pt. IV): “Three winters cold…;” Research Notes: Jack the Ripper and Sir Walter Scott

Vol. 4, No. 2: Winter 2005
Contents: The Spanish Tragedy; Fellowship Conference; “Counterfeit Supposes;” Will in the World, 1601, (Part III): “On better judgment making…;” The Merchant of Venice

Vol. 4, No. 1: Fall 2004
Contents: Critique of the “Monument Theory;” Back to the Ashbourne; Engaging Prince Tudor; Will in the World, 1601, Part II: “I watch the clock for you;” Paleo-Oxfordian Sir Walter Scott’s The Monastery


Vol. 3, No. 4: Summer 2004
Contents: Sonnets solved; 1601 – “Authorize thy trespass with compare;” More on Monstrous; Authorship symposium; Leicester a Murderer?; Poison Power & Murder; Good Night, Sweet Prince; Was Shakespeare Gay?

Vol. 3, No. 3: Spring 2004
Contents: In Search of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern; 8th Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference; Interrogation of Prof. Alan Nelson; “Lillies that Fester;” “My Turk;” Year in the Life: 1604 (Part II)

Vol. 3, No. 2: Winter 2004
Contents: 2nd Annual Conference; Debate in NYC; Spelling Shakespeare; Book reviews: In Search of Shakespeare, Monstrous Adversary (Part II of Richard Whalen’s review); Year in the Life (1604); Interview with Derran Charlton; Taming of the Shrew

Vol. 3, No. 1: Fall 2003
Contents: Drive, they said; William Camden, “Monstrous Animosity;” Knocking on Wood; Book reviews: Monstrous Adversary, Counterfeiting Shakespeare, Year in the Life (1586); De Vere’s Dowry; “Illicit reversal” Paleo-Oxfordians?


Vol. 2, No. 4: Summer 2003
Contents: Edward de Vere Studies Conference; Authorship debate at Smithsonian; A New Shakespeare Reference Found; Oxford’s 1586 Changes to His Heraldry; Book Reviews; Year in the Life: 1586; Video Bard: Taming of the Shrew

Vol. 2, No. 3: Spring 2003
Contents: Essay contest; We have the Man Shakespeare; As You Like It; Every Word in Shakespeare; Book Review: Shakespeare’s Fingerprints; Year in the Life: “1597: Islands Voyage and Isle of Dogs;” Video Bard: King Lear

Vol. 2, No. 2: Winter 2003
Contents: Fellowship Conference in Cambridge; Searching for Shakespeare in Toronto; The Artist as Saint; Death of a Myth; What’s in a ’Nym?; Year in the Life: “1577: The Art of Navigation;” Paradigm Shift: “More on Pierce Penniless;” “Wounded Truth”

Vol. 2, No. 1: Fall 2002
Contents: The Ashbourne Portrait – Part IV; The Sanders Portrait; Commentary – “Is Oxford Buried in Poets’ Corner?; Book Reviews; Year in the Life: “Reckonings and Reconciliation;” Confidential Video Bard: Titus Andronicus


Vol. 1, No. 4: Summer 2002
Contents: Swan Song for Elegy; Elegy Commentary; Ye Plague – Not How Oxford Died; Book Review; Year in the Life: Year of Living Dangerously; Paradigm Shift: Interview with Richard Roe; Confidential Video Bard

Vol. 1, No. 3: Spring 2002
Contents: Ashbourne Portrait: Part III; Deception and Destruction; Barrell Vindicated; DC Debate; NY Times Article; Authorship News; Book Reviews: Oxford Companion to Shakespeare; Anatomy of the Marprelate Controversy; Columns: Paradigm Shift, A Year in the Life, Confidential Video Bard

Vol. 1, No. 2: Winter 2002
Contents: Ashbourne Portrait: Part II; Fellowship Meeting; Shakespeare’s Moral Philosophy; The Queen Elizabeth Pregnancy Portrait; “A year in the life;” Paradigm Shift

Vol. 1, No. 1: Fall 2001
Contents: Oxford is Shakespeare; A Golden Book, Bound Richly Up; The Politics of Massacres; The Need for Intelligence; A Portrait Analysis of William Cecil; Confidential Video Bard

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