Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

SF/SOS 2009 joint conference Nov. 5-8, Houston

The 2009 joint conference of the Shakespeare Fellowship and the Shakespeare Oxford Society will be held November 5-8 at the Houston Intercontinental Airport Doubletree Hotel in Houston, Texas.

The cost for full registration is $200 that includes presentations, Saturday luncheon buffet and Sunday luncheon banquet.

Preliminary list of presenters:

  • Frank Davis: The “Bard’s” Six Signatures
  • Alex McNeil: Is “Shakespeare” in Jeopardy?
  • Hank Whittemore: Shakespeare’s Treason
  • Keir Cutler: Teaching Shakespeare and Is Shakespeare Dead? by Mark Twain
  • Earl Showerman: Trolius and Cressida — Shakespeare’s Homeric Satire
  • Paul Altrocchi: How to Baste and Barbeque an Upstart Daw
  • Ron Hess: Did Thomas Sackville influence Shake-speare’s Sonnets?
  • Richard Whalen: The Influence of Commedia dell ‘Arte in Shakespeare — Italian Theater Unknown in England but Known to Oxford
  • John Hamill: A Spaniard in the Elizabethan Court — Don Antonio Perez
  • Marty Hyatt: Heaven’s Sweetest Air
  • Ren Draya: Music in Othello
  • John Shahan: Declaration of Reasonable Doubt:  Strategy Implications for Oxfordians
  • Matthew Cossalatto: Posthumous Sonnet Publication
  • Tom Regnier: Law in the Sonnets

Register online for the SF/SOS annual conference at:

The Houston Intercontinental Airport Doubletree Hotel has reserved a block of rooms at a reduced rate of $99 a night (plus tax and fees). The hotel provides a free shuttle service to the George Bush International Airport. Online reservations for Houston Intercontinental Airport DoubletreeHotel: http://doubletree.hilton.com/en/dt/groups/personalized/HOUAPDT-SHP-20091105/index.jhtml

Attendance options:
One Day Registration: Thursday $35 (Presentations only)
One Day Registration: Friday $60 (Presentations only)
One Day Registration: Saturday $60 (Presentations only)
One Day Registration: Sunday $35 (Presentations only)
Saturday Luncheon Buffet: $35
Sunday Luncheon Banquet: $35
Special student and teacher rate: $15 (For Saturday 1:00 – 6:30 p.m. only)


Membership dues cover only a fraction of our budget, including all our research, preservation and programming.  Please support the SOF by making a gift today!


Blue Boar Tavern: Wassail Q&A
Tuesday Dec. 17, 8pm E / 5pm P

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