Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Oxfordian Film, “Nothing Is Truer Than Truth,” Released by Gravitas Ventures

New York Screening February 9 — Set For Wide Release February 12

Nothing Is Truer Than Truth, Cheryl Eagan-Donovan’s documentary about Shakespeare’s identity and the life of Edward de Vere (Earl of Oxford), will be released by distributor Gravitas Ventures on February 12.

The film will be released on Apple iTunes and many other platforms, including Comcast, Verizon, and Dish Network in the U.S., Shaw and EastLink TV in Canada, as well as Google Play, YouTube, Amazon Prime, Microsoft, and Vimeo.

To celebrate the release, Eagan-Donovan’s production company, Controversy Films, is hosting a screening and reception at Anthology Film Archives, 32 Second Avenue in New York City, on Saturday, February 9 at 2:30 pm. SOF members and friends may RSVP for complimentary tickets to the screening by Thursday, February 7. Tickets may also be purchased at the box office on Saturday, February 9.

Nothing Is Truer Than Truth will also be released on DVD and Blu-ray on February 12, and will be available from retailers Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Best Buy, Target, and Walmart, and at public libraries across the U.S. and Canada. View the trailer for the film here.

Sir Derek Jacobi, who appears in the film, and filmmaker Cheryl Eagan-Donovan

“We are very excited about working with the team at Gravitas to bring Nothing Is Truer Than Truth to new audiences!” said director Cheryl Eagan-Donovan. “We are extremely grateful to the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship and its members for their generous support of the project. We hope that members will share the pre-order link on all of their social media and review the film on the iTunes page because this will strengthen and expand our broadcast options.”

Gravitas distributes many important documentaries including Half the Picture: Women Directors in Hollywood, No Man’s Land, and Stonewall Uprising, as well as festival favorite California Typewriter, My Generation (a visit to 1960s England presented by Michael Caine), and Score (a comprehensive look at composing for film). Gravitas is a global entertainment distribution company that connects filmmakers and producers with consumers through hundreds of media platforms.

Venetian scene from “Nothing Is Truer Than Truth” documentary

Nothing Is Truer Than Truth has been invited to screen at libraries, universities and conferences in the U.S. and Europe. Upcoming screenings include Southern Oregon University in Ashland on March 29 and the annual De Vere Society Meeting in London on April 27. The outreach program for the film, Shakespeare for Bullies, empowers students to change behavior by sharing their stories in workshops and classes.

About Controversy Films: Controversy Films presents media projects that challenge the conventional wisdom. The company’s films ask difficult questions and incite dialogue and action. For more information about the production company, go to www.controversyfilms.com.


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Blue Boar Tavern: Wassail Q&A
Tuesday Dec. 17, 8pm E / 5pm P

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