Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Oxford in the mirror

Der Speigel 47/2009 p. 114
Der Speigel 47/2009 p. 115

Oxfordian Hanno Wember, author of the German-language Shake-speare Today website, reports from Germany:

The leading German political weekly magazine Der Spiegel (The Mirror – circulation more than one-million) has this week a four-page essay by Urs Jenny. (Jenny is editor of the Der Spiegel culture section. He has worked as theatre dramaturge with some of the most famous German stage directors.) “Der Dichter und sein Doppelgänger” (The Poet and his Doppelganger), triggered by Kurt Kreiler’s book, Der Mann der Shakespeare erfand (The Man Who Invented Shakespeare), published recently by Suhrkamp/Insel, a leading German publishing house. The debate, which was suppressed for decades, is now opened and scarcely can be silenced again, as other media have already taken part.

Der Spiegel writes:
“Now a German author argues the case of the ‘other Shakespeare’ and stimulates an old suspicion”.

The effect of Der Spiegel on the German cultural world should not be underestimated: Things will never be as before.

The article is in the print magazine only and is not available online. But we can offer a glimpse on the first German Oxfordian webpage: http://shake-speare-today.de/. Click “Aktuelles” (current events) on the left, you will find the link to Der Spiegel. You can page down to Seite (page) 114, and you can see the article as it appears in the publication.


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