Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Oh, my . . .

“Oh my,” said Coppelia Kahn, president of the Shakespeare Association of America and professor of English at Brown University, when informed of Justice Stevens’s cause. “Nobody gives any credence to these arguments.” WSJ April 17, 2009

Yesterday (4/17/09) Wall Street Journal published an article by Jess Bravin titled: (Note: online Friday 4/17/09, in print Saturday 4/18/09)

Justice Steven’s renders and opinion on who wrote Shakespeare’s plays: It Wasn’t the Bard of Avon, He Says, Evidence Is beyond a Reasonable Doubt

In a sidebar, the paper polled sitting and non-sitting justices with the following result:

Roberts: no comment
Stevens: Oxford
Scalia: Oxford
Kennedy: Stratford
Souter: “No idea.”
Thomas: No comment
Ginsburg: “No informed views.”
Breyer: Stratford
Alito: No comment

Retired/deceased justices –
Connor: Not Stratford
Blackmun: Oxford
Brennan: Stratford.


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