Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Nina Green translates 16th earl’s inquisition post mortem

Nina Green reports that she has just completed a lengthy transcription and translation of the inquisition post mortem of Edward de Vere’s father: John de Vere, sixteenth Earl of Oxford. This and more primary source material is available at no cost on her website, The Oxford Authorship Site. This particular document is valuable because it shows the extent of the seventeenth earl’s inheritance. Nina said:

The English translation of the inquisition post mortem taken at Stratford Langthorne in Essex on 18 January 1563, five months after the death on 3 August 1562 of John De Vere, sixteenth Earl of Oxford is now on my website, along with a fairly lengthy summary in which I’ve explained and simplified two potentially very confusing issues.

The first is that the revenues for certain manors are put under slightly different headings in the inquisition post mortem and in WARD 8/13, and I’ve sorted that out for readers of the summary so that it’s clear that in the end the two documents provide the same figures, and that the totals in the two documents come within a few pence of each other.

I’ve also explained in the summary the structure of the inquisition post mortem, which appears haphazard on the surface, but takes the unusual form it does because of the 16th earl’s peculiar legal situation, which resulted from Somerset’s extortion against him in 1548 and the private Act of Parliament of 1552 by which Somerset’s extortion was rectified.

Latin transcription: http://www.oxford-shakespeare.com/Chancery/C_142-136-12%20Lat.pdf

English translation: http://www.oxford-shakespeare.com/Chancery/C_142-136-12%20Eng.pdf

Update 2/16/10:
Readers may contact Nina Green at <mailto:devere@telus.net>


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