Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

New videos available from the 2023 Conference!

Have you registered for the 2024 SOF Annual Conference yet? Check out the in-person and livestream options here!

For a taste of the variety of presentations scheduled, check out and share these newly released conference videos from last year’s event, which more than 150 people attended live and from home. We look forward to seeing you in September, in Denver or in the livestream!


Was the Earl of Oxford Bisexual? — Robert Prechter

Shakespeare, Elizabeth and Ivan: English-Russian Relations in Love’s Labours Lost — Rima Greenhill

Shakespeare’s French Obsession: New Historicism and the Authorship Debate — Elisabeth Waugaman

Ben Jonson’s Desk Fire in November 1623 — Gabriel Ready

Finding the True Shakespeare: An Historical Perspective — Tom Townsend (an Authorship 101 presentation)


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