Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

New Book — Shakespeare Beyond Doubt? Exposing An Industry In Denial — Kicks Off Shakespeare Authorship Debate In British Media

Shakespeare Beyond Doubt?

One article appeared in The Guardian bearing this headline and subhead:

Shakespeare identity debate

reignited with TV challenge

Alexander Waugh, who doubts the accepted authorship of the plays, has dared orthodox experts to join a televised discussion

Here’s the link to read that article.  It’s well worth reading.  Alexander Waugh is the grandson of novelist Evelyn Waugh.


Another article appeared in The Daily Mail with this “punny” headline:

A Waugh of words over the Bard…

The article features a photo of Sir Derek Jacobi above this caption:  “Actor Sir Derek Jacobi has endorsed the theory that William Shakespeare’s authorship should be questioned.”

Read the article by clicking on this link:


To read more about the book Shakespeare Beyond Doubt? visit:



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