Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

More Contested Will reviews

More reviews of Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare by James Shapiro:

Erudite Laura Miller at Salon.com on March 28, 2010 lays out the situation clearly, and fairly:
“Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare? a new book on the authorship debate asks why some people refuse to accept ‘the Stratford man‘”

Chronicle of Higher Education reporter Jennifer Howard writes an unbiased presentation of the reasons Shapiro wrote Contested Will, and the state of authorship politics including quotes from Shakespeare Fellowship President Earl Showerman and prominent anti-Stratfordian researcher Roger Stritmatter.
“A Shakespeare Scholar Takes on a ‘Taboo’ Subject: James Shapiro explores the authorship question — and why few in academe will touch it” by Jennifer Howard in The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 28, 2010.

Actor/author Ben Crystal declares himself out-of-the-closet for Stratford:
“Does it even matter who the ‘real’ Shakespeare was?”
Contested Will by James Shapiro and The Boy Who Would Be Shakespeare by Doug Stewart reviewed by Ben Crystal in The Independent on Sunday/Books March 28, 2010

The Independent literary editor Boyd Tonkin’s long review hammering out the Stratfordian party line — covering all the bases including mental illness in those who dare to question Shakespearean authorship, multi-collaborations, and none of that “curious modern dogma”, biography, by damn! The comments are worth the trip:
The Independent, March 26, 2010
Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare? by James Shapiro
Reviewed by Boyd Tonkin

Obsequious review with irritated commentary:
The Economist, March 25, 2010
“William Shakespeare, Hero or Hoax, the man and his pen”
Review of James Shapiro’s
Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare?

Interview of author James Shapiro on BBC;s Front Row March 26, 2010


Update April 2, 2010
“The Shakespeare Whodunit: a scholar tackles doubters on who wrote the plays; Hollywood weighs in” by Alexandra Alter, interview of James Shapiro in Wall Street Journal April 2, 2010.

Prologue to Contested Will on WSJ


Update April 4, 2010
Peter Conrad reviews James Shapiro’s
Contested Will in The Observer, April 4, 2010.

Jeremy Noel-Tod reviews James Shapiro’s Contested Will in The Telegraph, April 4, 2010.

Heward Wilkinson’s “De-imagining Imagination” essay on James Shapiro’s Contested Will, April 4, 2010.


Update April 5, 2010
“Will uncontested” no-byline review of James Shapiro’s Contested Will in the London Times, April 5, 2010.


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