Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Michigan-based Linda Theil Appointed Editor of SOS Quarterly Newsletter

YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, NY –  The Shakespeare Oxford Society has announced the appointment of Linda Theil, a Howell, Michigan-based journalist and communications professional, as the new editor of the Society’s quarterly newsletter.

Founded in 1957, the Shakespeare Oxford Society is an educational organization dedicated to researching and honoring the true Bard.

Theil’s extensive career as a journalist includes writing for the The Detroit News, Ann Arbor News, and Hour Detroit.  She is the owner of Theil Communications producing newsletters and publication materials for a wide variety of clients.

For the past several years, Theil has been active in the Oberon Shakespeare Study Group, a Michigan-based Shakespeare authorship organization. Theil provides editorial direction for the very informative Oberon blog.  She is accepting articles, news items and media reviews for the SOS newsletter and can be reached at linda.theil@gmail.com.

One of Theil’s goals as editor of the Society’s newsletter is to make more effective use of electronic media, in an effort to disseminate the Society’s messages much more quickly and widely.  A new Shakespeare Oxford Society blog has already been created.

2009 — The Year of the Sonnets: Another priority for Theil and the Society this year is to highlight the 400th anniversary of the publication of Shakespeare’s Sonnets. The Society’s Board of Trustees adopted the following resolution:  “In recognition of the 400th anniversary of the publication of ‘SHAKE-SPEARS SONNETS,’ the Shakespeare Oxford Society hereby designates 2009 ‘The Year of the Sonnets’ and declares its intention to highlight the proposition that the Sonnets were published posthumously in 1609.”

There is a long and distinguished history of doubting the traditional “Stratfordian” attribution of the Shakespeare works. Noted doubters over the years include Mark Twain, Walt Whitman, Henry James, Sigmund Freud, and Charlie Chaplin.  More recent skeptics include U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stevens and renowned Shakespearean actors Derek Jacoby, Jeremy Irons, Michael York, and Mark Rylance.

Matthew Cossolotto, President of the Shakespeare Oxford Society, said:  “We’re extremely pleased to have a communications professional of Linda’s caliber and extensive journalistic experience as our newsletter editor.  Her background, creativity and high energy will help us get our pro-Shakespeare message out to a much wider audience.”

Video of Matthew Cossolotto Discussing Shakespeare Authorship Issue

Click on this AOL video link to view a short video [no longer available] of Shakespeare Oxford Society President, Matthew Cossolotto, discussing several reasons to doubt the traditional Stratfordian attribution and to consider the Oxfordian theory.

More About The Shakespeare Oxford Society

Founded in 1957, New York-based Shakespeare Oxford Society is a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to exploring the Shakespeare authorship question and researching the evidence that Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford (1550 – 1604) is the true author of the poems and plays of “William Shakespeare. Visit www.shakespeare-oxford.com for more information.  Other useful sites include: www.shakespearefellowship.org, www.doubtaboutwill.org, www.shakespearebyanothername.com, www.deveresociety.co.uk, and www.oxford-shakespeare.com.


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