Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

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Online Member

Full Digital Access
$ 49 Per Year
  • Online access to all newsletters and journals
  • Access to our members only online club with discussion, classes, and hangouts
  • Conference registration discounts
  • All other rights of membership, including the right to vote for members of the Board of Trustees
  • Membership will automatically renew
  • FAMILY OPTON for two persons living in the same household
  • FREE STUDENT option with current student ID and email account from an educational institution

Newsletter Member

Digital Access plus Printed Newsletters
$ 89 Per Year
  • Online access to all newsletters and journals
  • Access to our members only online club with discussion, classes, and hangouts
  • Conference registration discounts
  • All other rights of membership, including the right to vote for members of the Board of Trustees
  • FOUR PRINTED ISSUES of the quarterly Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter sent to your home
  • Membership will automatically renew
  • FAMILY OPTION for two persons living in the same household

Lifetime Member

Digital Access plus Printed Newsletters
$ 1550
  • All benefits of the Newlsetter & Online levels
  • No more annual dues!
  • Recognition in the Newsletter, website, & at the Annual Conference
  • Lifetime subscriptions to print editions of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter and The Oxfordian
  • Copy of "The Shakespeare Authorship Sourcebook: A Resource for Educators and Students"
  • Advance Annual Financial Report from the SOF Treasurer
  • FAMILY OPTION for two persons living in the same household