Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

May 8th Event, Watertown MA: A Symposium: Shakespeare from the Oxfordian Perspective


Charles Beauclerk

This notice submitted by Marie Merkel …

A Symposium:  Shakespeare from the Oxfordian Perspective 


A day-long program on “WHO WROTE SHAKESPEARE?” will focus on the case for Edward de Vere, 17th earl of Oxford as the true Bard, with Charles Beauclerk, author of Shakespeare’s Lost Kingdom: The True History of Shakespeare and Elizabeth as the featured speaker.  Alex McNeil, a past-president of The Shakespeare Fellowship will be Master of Ceremonies  

Saturday, May 8, 2010

9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Watertown Free Public Library

123 Main Street, Watertown, MA

Admission Free and Open to the Public


RSVP by May 7, 2010 to ensure a space

Email: info@shakespearesymposium.org, or telephone: 617-955-3198

For additional information, please visit:  www.shakespearesymposium.org



9:30 a.m.  Alex McNeil, “An Overview of the Shakespeare authorship question.”  McNeil will cover why there is a question, the history of the issue, and give an introduction to Edward de Vere, 17th earl of Oxford.

10:45 a.m.  Frank Davis, “Shakespeare’s Signatures.”  A comparison of the illegible six known “Shakespeare” signatures to the extant signatures of other contemporary authors, actors and significant persons (both famous and lesser known) of Shakespeare’s time.  This comparison highlights a compelling issue — why couldn’t this great writer sign his own name?

11:45 a.m.  Richard Whalen, “The Oxfordian edition of Othello”  Whalen will describe the extraordinary correspondences between Oxford’s life experiences and ‘Othello’ and sign copies of the recently released Oxfordian edition of this play.

12:00 p.m. Lunch – A sandwich lunch will be served in the Library

1:15 p.m.  Charles Berney, performance as Mark Twain discussing his infamous essay, “Is Shakespeare Dead.”

1:30 p.m.  Marie Merkel, “Caliban’s Dream and Shakespeare’s Purge.”  Why would ‘Honest’ Ben Jonson take part in a cover-up of the Bard’s true identity?  If Shakespeare is Edward de Vere, then the ‘purge’ that the earl administered to Jonson, in the form of several lampoons on the public stage during the ‘Poet’s War’ of 1597 ~ 1602, may hold the key to this perennial question.

2:45 p.m.  Charles Beauclerk, “Shakespeare’s Timon of Athens.”  Beauclerk will discuss Timon as an authorial work and a portrait of Edward de Vere.  He will also discuss his newly released book, Shakespeare’s Lost Kingdom:  The True History of Shakespeare and Elizabeth, and there will be time for Q & A and book signing.

Books will be available for purchase at this event.

Co-sponsored by The Shakespeare Fellowship and Watertown Savings Bank


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