Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Kamm’s anti-Eddy antics

Oliver Kamm’s anti-Eddy antics at the London Times Online assure Edward de Vere’s face and fame are spread ever more widely as the author of Shakespeare’s works. In a running commentary to Kamm’s latest foot-stomp “Great historical questions to which the answer is no 2” dated 28 January 2010, Kamm rebuked Heward Wilkinson for saying Strats and anti-Strats alike love Shakespeare, while informing Richard Malim that neither Malim nor any other anti-Strat  likes Shakespeare, either:

The sheer grubby irrationalism of this non-existent debate testifies to the point I’ve just made to your comrade: we don’t have a common passion for Shakespeare. To you and your comrades, the works are merely a vehicle to ransack – in a thoroughly amateurish manner – to buttress your belief in a conspiracy.

You gotta admit, the guy has a way with words and universal concepts. You go, Oliver!


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