Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

It’s Shakespeare Authorship Mystery Day!

Celebrate Shakespeare Authorship Mystery Day today, from Noon to 5pm Eastern time (9am – 2pm Pacific), on the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship Facebook page where we’re hosting live authorship talks with Q&A. While enjoying the talks, you can question the speakers and chat with other viewers.

Here’s the lineup:

Noon – 1:30 EST Ros Barber: Intro to the Shakespeare Authorship Question

1:30 – 3:00 EST Tom Regnier: The Law in Shakespeare

3:00 – 4:00 EST Roger Stritmatter: 17 Reasons Oxford is Shakespeare

4:00 – 5:00 EST Michael Delahoyde: Shakespeare in Italy

Shakespeare Authorship Mystery Day on Facebook Live

What’s it about?

Shakespeare Authorship Mystery Day (SAM Day) commemorates the anniversary of the First Folio’s publication and honors the work of authorship doubters. SAM Day provides a platform for all groups and individuals studying the authorship question to promote their work and increase curiosity about the true authorship of Shakespeare’s plays and poems. We encourage viewers to explore the evidence for themselves.

Get involved!:

  • Join us on the SOF Facebook page for live talks from Noon to 5pm Eastern
  • Encourage your friends to sign the Declaration of Reasonable Doubt
  • Like and share the SOF’s Shakespeare Authorship Mystery Day social media posts
  • Share the best evidence for your candidate
  • Use the hashtag #ShakespeareAuthorshipMysteryDay
  • Post your favorite Shakespeare authorship question books, videos, articles, etc. on your social media channels throughout the day
  • Point your friends to blogs and websites that provide more information
  • Encourage students to ask their English literature and history teachers about the Shakespeare authorship question
  • Read Shakespeare!

Shakespeare Authorship Mystery Day - Marjorie Garber


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Blue Boar Tavern: Wassail Q&A
Tuesday Dec. 17, 8pm E / 5pm P

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