Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

In Memoriam: Robert Sean Brazil 1955-2010

I’m sure that many readers of the SOS Online News would want to know about this.  Barb Flues has created a tribute page for our inimitable friend and colleague Robert Sean Brazil on www.elizabethanauthors.com — the invaluable website Barb and Robert created and maintained together.  Here is the touching note Barb posted on the website announcing Robert’s untimely passing.  Many thanks for doing this Barb.   Matthew

I am saddened to report the death of Robbie Brazil, co-partner in the Elizabethan Authors web site. A born jester, but no fool, he wore his motley with the pride of one who believes in his mission; a born teacher but no pedant, he helped others to bring out the best in themselves. As the web site grows, he will be deeply missed.

Robbie was beyond description, but the following messages will give you an idea of what his friendship meant to some of those who knew him best.

Barb Flues


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