Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Hughes on Sir Thomas Smith

Founder and former editor of SOS journal The Oxfordian, Stephanie Hughes, says Edward de Vere’s relationship with his remarkable tutor, Sir Thomas Smith, laid the groundwork for Shakespeare’s prodigious genius.

Hughes says:

Not only did Smith own most of the important works that scholars tell us were Shakespeare’s sources, but his personal interests, the passions that drove him, appear in Shakespeare in depth, astonishing knowledge for a poet and playwright, whatever his class, knowledge he throws about with abandon in allusions, similes and metaphors.  This is an approach to a subject that can only be taken by one who’s been steeped in a subject from earliest days so that it permeates all his thinking.

Read the entire essay, “More nine-inch nails in the Stratford coffin”, posted January 16, 2009 on Hughes’ Politic Worm website, where you can also explore Hughes’ research into Oxford’s Mentors.


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