Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Hank Whittemore and the Living Record of Shakespeare’s Sonnets

Hank Whittemore
Hank Whittemore speaks with Bob Meyers about finding forgotten history in the Sonnets

Hank Whittemore has written a baker’s dozen books with verve and deep reporting. His books have looked at the founding of CNN, cops nicknamed Batman and Robin, the frontiers of nuclear medicine and the woman who founded the U.S. disaster response team. He has condensed decades of research into the Shakespeare Authorship Question into a tidy 100 Reasons Shake-speare was the Earl of Oxford.

Through all this, the former Broadway actor and newspaper reporter has never lost sight of his great literary love – the 154 sonnets attributed to William Shakespeare of Stratford. Now, in the just-published The Living Record: Shakespeare, Succession and the Sonnets, Whittemore links Oxford, Queen Elizabeth and Henry Wriothesley together in ways that are heart-breaking and astonishing.

He speaks with Bob Meyers about The Living Record and how he came to write his 2005 book, The Monument, upon which it is based. Watch the interview!


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