Independent Shakespeare scholar Maria Hablevych has recently published The Light of Shakespeare’s Temple: Articles, Translations, a collection of her Shakespearean scholarship in Ukrainian. The book includes a translation into Ukrainian of the bulk of Tom Regnier’s 2003 University of Miami Law Review article, “Could Shakespeare Think Like a Lawyer? How Inheritance Law Issues in Hamlet May Shed Light on the Authorship Question.” The Regnier article is available in the original English on the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship website.
Ms. Hablevych first contacted Tom Regnier in the spring of 2015 asking for permission to publish her translation of his article, to which he readily agreed. She also hopes to publish her translation of Mr. Regnier’s 2011 article, “The Law in Hamlet: Death, Property, and the Pursuit of Justice,” in one of two Ukrainian journals dealing with the European Renaissance and Shakespeare. The article was first published in the SOF journal Brief Chronicles. Ms. Hablevych has already translated two excerpts from the article and cited them in her work. Ms. Hablevych was a university teacher of English for 11 years and has been a member of the National Fellowship of Ukrainian Writers since 1988 and a full member of the Scientific Shevchenko Society since 1998.
The Light of Shakespeare’s Temple (Cвітло Шекспірового храмy) was published in the spring of 2016, along with a bilingual edition of Shakespeare’s Sonnets in both English and Ukrainian, edited by Ms. Hablevych. Ms. Hablevych kindly sent copies of both books to Tom Regnier (Томас Реньєр), which he received this week (see photo, left). The books are currently available only in printed form and are not yet widely available outside of Ukraine. Ms. Hablevych hopes to have the books available through Yakaboo, a large internet bookshop in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, and she is currently working on placing the books in Ukrainian libraries. She hopes that electronic versions will follow and that some of the materials in the book will be available online in the near future.
“I wish to thank Maria Hablevych for honoring my work on the law in Hamlet through her translations,” said Tom Regnier. “Recent events show that many people outside of the English-speaking world are interested in Shakespeare studies. The more that people appreciate Shakespeare, the more they will want to know the truth about his identity.”
Following is an English translation of the contents of The Light of Shakespeare’s Temple:
- Collaboration as a mighty factor of development in the Renaissance drama
- Image and symbol in the age of Renaissance
- The common knowledge of conscience (A history of the notion: from a reality to a stereotype)
- Hamlet as the author of the play-within-the-Play
- The Renaissance terminology of Love: Shakespeare’s usage and its interpretations
- Some aspects of Shakespeare’s outlook in the early 1590s (The Raigne of King Edward the third)
- Towards the genesis of Sonnet 94
- Shakespeare’s Eros of life and poetry (The Poet’s Rose)
- The first quartos of Romeo and Juliet (1597, 1599) and their borrowed “feathers”
- Romeo and Juliet (1597) as seen against the background of Shake-Speares Sonnets (1609)
- The boundaries of interpretation: Hamlet in translations and originals
• Thomas Regnier. Could Shakespeare Think Like a Lawyer? (How inheritance law issues in Hamlet may shed light on the authorship question.)
• Martin Lings. Shakespeare in the Light of Sacred Art.
[posted June 4, 2016]