Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Elke Brackmann: How I Became an Oxfordian

January 26, 2019

Obediently and happily I followed the pattern of understanding the Bard’s life at my University of Innsbruck in the seventies. Absorbing everything that led to a more profound understanding of his works, I was mildly disappointed to learn all about his Anne Hathaway, his kids (one of them named Hamnet), his being an actor, and, as the reader might expect, his second-best bed. Not to forget his lack of geographical knowledge, but being a genius he was forgiven. No open questions, nothing. The lecturer was asleep and so was I.

Elke Brackmann has been a grammar school teacher for English and German in Innsbruck and Wuppertal for years and repeatedly performed Shakespeare plays with her students.

True, I was equally disappointed during my two pilgrimages (yes, I admit it) to Stratford. My feelings and utter gratitude for his works outshone my deeper instincts when reading “Good friend, for Jesus’ sake forbear ….” The lines definitely lacked the spirit, elegance and philosophical depths I was used to, I felt, but bought a photograph of it anyway as a memory.

Acting (lay theatre group), teaching, and directing Shakespeare occupied me for some decades. It was my husband who, in 2007, thought he had found something that might interest me: an essay by Hanno Wember.[1] It was written matter-of-factly and puzzled me. Should the question really be worth it? In addition a certain Walter Klier, whom I had known as a writer and fellow student, caught my attention.[2] I ordered the book second hand. My husband was now bombarded with facts.

But I needed time to say good-bye to my old convictions — I had to digest everything slowly. Half a year later I felt the need to write a review for Klier. I contacted Hanno Wember as well and then Robert Detobel[3] came in, phoning me after reading my review. His single-mindedness, cautious way of doing research, and strong desire of fighting for the truth inspired me.[4] Being a true Oxfordian, he is not easily led away by speculation. I am now working on a project with him called “A Biographical Approach to the Sonnets.”

Like generations of teachers I willingly accepted the notion that Shakespeare’s biography was irrelevant. In retrospect I am amazed at my gullibility. His immense knowledge acquired en passant, his death being unnoticed, his sonnets mirroring real experiences, the parallels between his life and his dramas — way beyond “Hamnet” as a parallel to Hamlet — how might this be overlooked?

Encountering Shakespeare’s works first made me enter a new world; nearly 30 years later another new world opened for me. Taboos prevented Oxford from publishing under his own name; taboos prevent academia from researching decently. New Shakespeare, new perspectives, new insights. What an enrichment again.

— Elke Brackmann

[1] Auf der Suche nach der Biografie von Shakespeare, in DieDrei, Juli 2007, pp. 57-62.

[2] Walter Klier: Der Fall Shakespeare, Verlag Uwe Laugwitz, Buchholz in der Nordheide 2004.

[3] Robert Detobel: Wie aus Shaxsper Shakespeare wurde, Verlag Uwe Laugwitz, Buchholz in der Nordheide 2005.

[4] Robert Detobel: Will – Wunsch und Wirklichkeit. James Shapiros Contested Will. Verlag Uwe Laugwitz, Buchholz in der Nordheide 2010.

How I Became an Oxfordian” is a series edited by Bob Meyers. You may submit your essay on this topic (500 words or less in an editable format such as MS Word), along with a digital photo of yourself, to: communications@shakespeareoxfordfellowship.org. Also include a sentence about yourself, e.g.: “Jane Smith is a business owner in Dallas.” You must be an SOF member to submit an essay.

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