Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Derran Charlton’s Tribute to Professor Michael Brame

Derran Charlton wrote the following tribute to Professor Michael Brame.  It was first published on Nina Green’s Phaeton listserv and is reprinted here with the permission of the author.  Matthew

Nina, et al:

Your sad news relating to the death of professor Michael Brame comes as a terrible shock to all Oxfordians. Michael was deeply versed in the sciences and the arts. He had been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement.
My heartfelt sorrow goes out to Galina and their children.
Michael was most generous in all that he did. I gladly recall that he unhesitatingly and successfully recommended me as a Reader at the Bodleian.
I first met both professors Michael and Galina in Carmel many years ago, and was truly amazed when they told me that between them they were fluent in 40 languages. They kindly invited me to speak to their students during the coming days, but sadly I could not take advantage of their kindness as I was immediately en route to Washington D.C. Their knowledge of Tudor England -especially Oxford- was beyond comparison.
One of my all-time favorite Oxfordian books is Michael and Galina`s Shakespeare`s Fingerprints. The generous reviews included:
`The arguments are cogent and ought to go a long way towards convincing the general public, or at least that part that cares about authorship attribution`. Professor Jack Hoeksema, University of Groningen, Holland.
`The arguments are very clear, cohesive and convincing. Made me feel like reading more`.
Professor Yasukuni Takano, University of Nagasaki, Japan.
`This is huge!` Professor Sharon Hargus, University of Washington.
`A work of linguistic love!` Professor Rafael Escribano, Puerto Rico.
Michael taught in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa and had been a professor at the University of Washington for more than three decades. He is the author of several technical books and the editor of Linguistic Analysis, a linguistic periodical with international circulation.
Galina Popova is a professional linguist and affiliate professor at the University of Washington. She studied language and literature at the Leningrad State University in the former Soviet Union and received her Ph.D. in the U.S.
In true sadness.
Derran (Charlton)

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