Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Derran Charlton Remembers His Longtime Friend and Fellow Oxdordian Verily Anderson

My friend Derran Charlton was kind enough to submit the following words of remembrance upon the passing of his longtime dear friend and fellow Oxfordian, Verily Anderson. Derran has submitted a longer article for publication in the Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter. Readers may want to refer to this link to read Derran’s article published in the Oberon Shakespeare Study Group online newsletter. http://oberonshakespearestudygroup.blogspot.com/2010/07/oxfordian-verily-anderson-paget-passes.html

By Derran Charlton

It is with the deepest regret that I notify readers of the passing from nature to eternity of Verily Anderson Paget, aged 95.

Verily died at home, in her own bed. A true blessing. I was speaking to her only yesterday.

Verily confirmed that she was to visit her doctor, who would “probably congratulate her on her excellent good health!” She was extremely robust, and was awarded a cycling award by Prince Charles. Also the Charlton Ogburn Jr award for Oxfordianism. One of Verily`s many enthusiasms was to walk her guide-dog, Alfie, through her glorious woodlands most days.

Verily must have been the oldest surviving Oxfordian, having been introduced to Oxfordianism by her first husband over 70 years ago; in fact her husband, a playwright, poet, player, and play-producer had been a
friend and colleague of John Thomas Looney

Verily`s close friends/relations ranged from Royalty, Archbishops, Statesmen, Military Leaders, Lords Leiutenants, winners of Victoria Crosses, and Nobel Peace Prizes.

Her first-cousin was Walter Falcon Scott — the famous “Scott of the Antarctic.” Charles Darwin was a g.g.g. uncle. Florence Nightingale was a g.g.g. aunt. One of her cousins owned the Elizabethan house that originally belonged to Sir Horatio Vere, at
Tilbury-juxta-Clare. Her traceable family ancestry dated from 932.

Verily was the joint-Patron of the D.V.S., together with Sir Derek Jacobi. She was also a prolific writer having written 53 published books and films, including her Oxfordian endeavor The de Veres of Castle Hedingham. Only yesterday she told me that she had just completed her 53rd book A History of Herstmonceaux Castle for the University of Canada.

Verily leaves four daughters and one son Edward, who was deliberately named in honor of Edward de Vere and christened at the same 1563 church in Stoke Newington where Henry de Vere, 18th earl of Oxford, had been christened.

Her death has come as a tremendous shock to all who were truly blessed by her extraordinary life and personality.

A true Lady has passed our way. We are all deeply inspired and most grateful.


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