Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Daniel Wright announces Concordia conference awards

Stephanie Hopkins Hughes, retired editor of the SOS journal, The Oxfordian will receive the Concordia Conference Distinguished Scholarship award. Visit her blog, Politicworm.

From Dan Wright:

Friends, Regarding the April 8-11, 2010 conference, I would like, at this time, to announce the theme of the conference so that paper proposals / abstracts / bibliographies might be prepared and submitted in the next five months before the final deadline of 31 October. The 2010 conference theme will be “The Queen and / in Shakespeare”; papers should focus on significant observations of what likely are allusions to the Queen in the Shakespeare canon with an emphasis on our ability, with the application of sound literary critical tools, to determine their significance in order to assist us in identifying the relationship – if any – of the Crown, in the person of Elizabeth, to the writer who called himself / herself Shakespeare.

The conference’s annual awards, also, will be presented to the following recipients: Distinguished Achievements in the Arts: Chris Coleman; Artistic Director, Portland CentreStage

Distinguished Scholarship: Stephanie Hopkins Hughes; retired Editor, The Oxfordian

Dr Michael Delahoyde; Assistant Professor of English, Washington State University

Hoping, too, to see all of you in August for the annual Seminar on Shakespeare and Religion and (during the Seminar) for the ceremonies that will inaugurate the new multi-million dollar George White Library and Shakespeare Authorship Research Centre. This is the historic event – the establishment of a permanent academic home for the inquiry into the authorship of the Shakespeare canon – that Charlton Ogburn Jr told me he had hoped to live long enough to see; be sure that you are part of it! We’re barely two months away from the occasion! Register at http://www.authorshipstudies.org/institute/index.cfm


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Blue Boar Tavern: Wassail Q&A
Tuesday Dec. 17, 8pm E / 5pm P

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