Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Cranks strike nerve in London

The Times of London literary wizard and former investment banker, Oliver Kamm, waved his magic wand and said, “Cranks, begone!” in yesterday’s furious response to anti-Stratfordian commentary:

Kamm seemed to be under the mistaken impression that this blog sent John Shahan, Ramon Jimenez and other anti-Strats over to London just to bug him:

While the blogger from the Shakespeare-Oxford Society is right to describe me as a Times columnist and former banker, he’s not right to term his associates Shahan and Jimenez “authorship experts”, for their idée fixe has nothing in common with genuine intellectual inquiry and is not a field of expertise.

Kamm clearly doesn’t know Shahan and Jimenez — or, sad to say, much about the status of the authorship query.


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