Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 


Urs Jenny in Der Spiegel

German Oxfordian researcher Robert Detobel summarizes Urs Jenny’s article, Der Dichter und Sein Doppelganger (The Poet and his Doppelganger) published this week in Der Spiegel

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Oxford in the mirror

Der Speigel 47/2009 p. 115 Oxfordian Hanno Wember, author of the German-language Shake-speare Today website, reports from Germany: The leading German political weekly magazine Der Spiegel (The

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Houston banquet and snaps

Stevens Oxfordian of the Year The Shakespeare Oxford Society and the Shakespeare Fellowship named US Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens Oxfordian of the Year

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Der Tagesspiegel reviews Kreiler

Robert Detobel reports that yet another major German publication, Berlin’s Der Tagesspiegel (Daily Mirror) with a readership of over 148,000, has reviewed Kurt Kreiler’s biography

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Concordia Conference April 8-11, 2010

From: Prof Daniel Wright, Ph.D Director, The Shakespeare Authorship Research Centre Concordia University Portland, OR 97211-6099 www.authorshipstudies.org, Friends, Although it may seem somewhat premature, I

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