Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 


Hughes on Sir Thomas Smith

Founder and former editor of SOS journal The Oxfordian, Stephanie Hughes, says Edward de Vere’s relationship with his remarkable tutor, Sir Thomas Smith, laid the

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Hogg in Anonymous?

Yesterday Matt Goldberg at Collider.com reported a rumor that Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts graduate and Shakespearean actor Edward Hogg, 30, will perform in Roland Emmerich’s

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Psychology is literary destiny

Our fundamental understanding that psychology is deeply embedded in creative output is delightfully demonstrated in this vignette from Laurie King’s mystery novel A Letter of

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Brief Chronicles indexed by MLA-IB

Brief Chronicles Managing Editor Gary Goldstein reported that Brief Chronicles has been selected for indexing in the Modern Language Association International Bibliography and the World Shakespeare Bibliography. “Selection

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Peter Moore research published

The following information about Peter Moore’s Oxfordian research compendium: The Lame Storyteller, Poor and Despised was submitted by Gary Goldstein. Moore’s book was edited by

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Whalen reviews Hope & Holston

Review of The Shakespeare Controversy: An Analysis of the Authorship Theories, Second Edition by Warren Hope and Kim Holston. Jefferson NC: McFarland & Company, 2009.

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Six new BC editors

Brief Chronicles General Editor Roger Stritmatter reported this news about the publicaton: Editors of the Shakespeare Fellowship’s new online peer reviewed scholarly journal of authorship

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