Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Call for Papers: Spring Symposium and Fall Conference

Themes, Formats and Paper Proposals Sought by 22 January

Ashland OR
The Allen Elizabethan Theatre, site of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival

The SOF Conference Committee is calling for proposals for papers for two upcoming SOF events: a one-day Symposium on April 9th and the 2022 Annual Conference scheduled for September 22-25 in Ashland, Oregon.

The April Symposium will be held via Zoom and, at this moment, the plan is for the fall Annual Conference to be in-person.

Any SOF member interested in making a presentation at either of those events or anyone who would like to propose a topic or a specific format (interview, debate etc.) is invited to send a short description of no more than one page to the Conference Committee Chair Don Rubin (drubin@yorku.ca) on or by 22 January.

The Committee notes that over the next two years, the SOF, along with other authorship organizations, will be focusing attention on the 400th anniversary celebrations of the First Folio (published on Nov. 8, 1623). Therefore, First Folio-themed articles and papers will be given special consideration and may be recommended for these or other events happening during this time frame.

That said, papers, themes and proposals on any Oxfordian authorship topic will certainly be welcomed and considered.

“This general call for papers,” said Rubin, “is an opportunity to see what ideas and proposals the membership at-large has in mind. We are looking for new formats and are happy to see what new as well as established presenters might have in mind.”

“It is hoped,” he added, “that for the April 9th Spring Symposium that there can at least be one introductory presentation on the First Folio mapping out the issues and controversies which have generally been ignored by organizations such as the Folger and the Birthplace Trust. These can be explored further in subsequent SOF events.”


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