Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Brief Chronicles

An Interdisciplinary Journal of Authorship Studies

Brief Chronicles
Detail of Cover of Brief Chronicles Vol. 7

Brief Chronicles (similar to The Oxfordian) was an annual peer-reviewed scholarly journal, published from 2009 to 2016, dedicated to examining the authorship question and various related topics in early modern studies. It was launched by the Shakespeare Fellowship, which merged with the Shakespeare Oxford Society in 2013 to form the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship. It is included in the MLA International Bibliography and World Shakespeare Bibliography databases. While discontinued as an annual journal after 2016, it continues as an occasional series of scholarly books (more information here).

General Editor: Professor Roger Stritmatter, Ph.D., Coppin State University (Baltimore)

Managing Editor: Professor Michael Delahoyde, Ph.D., Washington State University (Pullman)

Out now! Brief Chronicles 8:

Other Brief Chronicles issues available for purchase on Amazon.com:

Vol. 3 Complete Issue

Editor’s Greeting by Roger Stritmatter viii-xv

From the Foreword to This Star of England by C. O., Jr. (Charlton Ogburn, Jr. ) 1-8

Veering Toward an Evolutionary Realignment of Freud’s Hamlet by Michael Wainwright 9-36

Shakespeare’s Greater Greek: Macbeth and Aeschylus’ Oresteia by Earl Showerman 37-70

Commedia dell’arte in Othello: A Satiric Comedy Ending in Tragedy by Richard Whalen 71-106

The Law in Hamlet: Death, Property, and the Pursuit of Justice by Thomas Regnier 107-132

On the Authorship of Willobie His Avisa by Robert R. Prechter, Jr. 133-166

She Will Not Be a Mother: Evaluating the Seymour Prince Tudor Hypothesis by Bonner Miller Cutting 167-196

Shakespeare’s Antagonistic Disposition: A Personality Trait Approach by Andrew Crider 197-208

The Sternhold and Hopkins Whole Booke of Psalms: Crucial Evidence of Edward de Vere’s Authorship of the Works of Shakespeare by Richard Waugaman 209-230

Reviews and Interviews:

Shakespeare Suppressed reviewed by William Ray 231-240

Dating Shakespeare’s Plays: A Critical Review of the Evidence reviewed by Don Ostrowski 241-252

The Assassination of Shakespeare’s Patron: Investigating the Death of the Fifth Earl of Derby reviewed by Peter Dickson 253-258

Gary Goldstein interviews Leo Daugherty 259-263

Shakespeare The Concealed Poet reviewed by Bonner Cutting 267-269

Theater Of Envy: William Shakespeare reviewed by Heward Wilkinson 270-272

The Shakespeare Guide to Italy: Retracing the Bard’s Unknown Travels reviewed by Virginia Renner 273-278

Bardgate: Shake-speare and the Royalists Who Stole the Bard reviewed by Gary Goldstein 279-281

Anonymous reviewed by Sky Gilbert 282-287


Kreiler and Prechter on Hundredth Sundrie Flowres 288-308

Vol. 2 Preliminary Matter   |   Vol. 2 Articles


Epistle Dedicatory by Roger A. Stritmatter viii-xvii

What’s in a Name? by Hugh Trevor-Roper 1-8

Shakespeare’s Impossible Doublet by John Rollett 9-24

Lily’s Latin Grammar and the Identity of Shakespeare by Nina Green 25-30

Illuminating Eclipses: Astronomy and Chronology in King Lear by  Hanno Wember 31-42

Hundreth Sundrie Flowers Revisited: Was Oxford Really Involved? by Bob Prechter 43-76

An Accident of Note: Chapman’s Hamlet and the Earl of Oxford by Robert Detobel 77-105

Maniculed Psalms in the de Vere Bible: A New Literary Source for Shakespeare by Richard M. Waugaman 107-118

The Arte of English Poesie: The Case for Edward de Vere’s Authorship by Richard M. Waugaman 119-137

Cordelia’s Silence and Edgar’s Secrecy: Emblems of the Authorship Question in King Lear by Heward Wilkinson 139-166

The Earl of Oxford’s Office….Illuminated by Christopher Paul 167-207


Contested Will reviewed by Warren Hope 209-220

The Oxfordian Othello reviewed by Felicia Londré 221-222

Shakespeare and Garrick reviewed by Sky Gilbert 223-227

The Lame Storyteller reviewed by Warren Hope 229-233

Shakespeare’s Lost Kingdom reviewed by Michael Delahoyde 234-240

Shakespeare’s Lost Kingdom reviewed by Christopher Paul 241-254

Letters 255-265

Vol. 1 Complete Issue

Table of Contents


Welcome to Brief Chronicles by Roger A. Stritmatter and Gary Goldstein 1-7

Censorship in the Strange Case of William Shakespeare by Winifred L. Frazer 9-28

The Psychology of Shakespearean Biography by Richard Waugaman 29-39

The Fall of the House of Oxford by Nina Green 41-95

Francis Meres and the Earl of Oxford by Robert Detobel, K.C. Ligon 97-108

Shakespeare’s Many Much Ado’s: Alcestis, Hercules, and Love’s Labour’s Wonne by Earl Showerman 109-140

Epicurean Time in Macbeth by Peter Moore 141-154

Edward de Vere’s Hand in Titus Andronicus by Michael Delahoyde 155-168

Shakespeare’s Will…Considered Too Curiously by Bonner Cutting 169-191

A Sparrow Falls: Olivier’s Feminine Hamlet by Sky Gilbert 193-204

How Shakespeare Got His Tempest: Another “Just So” Story by Roger Stritmatter and Lynne Kositsky 205-267

First Person:

Dramatizing Shake-Speare’s Treason by Hank Whittemore 267-275


The Shakespeare Controversy reviewed by Thomas Hunter 277-283

The Muse as Therapist reviewed by Richard Waugaman 283-285

The Man who Invented Shakespeare reviewed by Walter Klier 285-287

... they are the abstract and brief chronicles of the time. After your death you were better have a bad epitaph than their ill report while you live.

The Brief Chronicles mission statement quotes former Folger Shakespeare Library educational director Richmond Crinkley in a 1985 Shakespeare Quarterly review of Charlton Ogburn Jr.’s The Mysterious William Shakespeare: “Doubts about Shakespeare came early and grew rapidly. They have a simple and direct plausibility. The plausibility has been reinforced by the tone and methods by which traditional scholarship has responded to the doubts.” According to its mission statement, “Brief Chronicles solicits articles that answer Crinkley’s 1985 call for scholarship which transcends the increasingly irrelevant traditional division between ‘amateur’ knowledge and ‘expert’ authority [in Shakespearean studies].”